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Event Video Generation

Nate Koenig edited this page Nov 11, 2021 · 1 revision

Log files produced from a simulation run can be used to generate a set of video clips, where each video clip captures an event from the events.yml file.

  1. Install the Ignition Fortress version of the SubT Simulator.
  2. Make sure you have your simulation run logs files downloaded and unpacked.
  3. Run the path generator script
    cd ~/subt_ws/src/subt/subt_ign/scripts
    ./record_playback_events.bash LOG_FILE_PATH OUTPUT_PATH
    • LOG_FILE_PATH should be set to the directory containing the gazebo directory from your simulation run. The gazebo directory should contain the state.tlog and events.yml files.
    • OUTPUT_PATH should be set to the directory where the videos will be saved.
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