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Finals Systems Worlds

Nate Koenig edited this page Oct 20, 2021 · 1 revision

Each team competing in the Systems Track of the SubT Challenge participated in the different versions of the Megacaverns environment. Each of these versions has been added to the SubT Simulator. The three versions are

  1. Preliminary 1: 20 artifacts, 2 fog emitters, and 30 minute time limit.
    • Video walkthrough is at
    • Run using: ign launch cloudsim_sim.ign worldName:=finals_systems_prelim1 circuit:=finals durationSec:=1800
  2. Preliminary 2: 20 artifacts, and 2 fog emitters, 1 cave rockfall, and 1 urban collapse, and a 30 minute time limit.
    • Video walkthrough is at
    • Run using: ign launch cloudsim_sim.ign worldName:=finals_systems_prelim2 circuit:=finals durationSec:=1800
  3. Prize: 40 artifacts, 2 fog emitters, 3 dynamic obstacles, and a 60 minute time limit.
    • Video walkthrough is at
    • Run using: ign launch cloudsim_sim.ign worldName:=finals_systems_prize circuit:=finals durationSec:=3600

Each of the above configurations utilize the Megacavern world.

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