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frostworx edited this page Jul 27, 2021 · 3 revisions

By using the UniversalUE4Unlocker in combination with IGCSInjector it is possible to inject VR compatibility into several regular UE4 games!

The function can simply be enabled per game with the option UUUSEVR in the Game Menu

What it does:


A VR specific UE4 console script to inject VR mode into a game. A generic template is shipped in GLOBALMISCDIR (a possible game specific template in the same directory would be preferred).

vr.bEnableHMD 1 vr.bEnableStereo 1 vr.HeadTracking.ResetPosition

(incomplete) list of (possibly) compatible games (not all games were tested, see game specific notes):

There are also some games, which shipped "Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/OpenVR" before and can be reactivated by using an older steam depot using DepotDownloader:

  • observer (see here)
  • Dark_Home (old depot)
  • Hatchpunk (dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app 1506640 -depot 1506641 -manifest 2972482185570779622 -username XXX -password YYY) (injection works and in game vr view is correct - keyboard input didn't react anymore after enabling VR - probably can be resetted with an other ue4 command?)
  • more?
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