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Game Icons

frostworx edited this page Nov 20, 2021 · 2 revisions

steamtinkerlaunch tries to get the game icon hash from the Appinfo (f.e. on game start or when creating a Game-Desktop-File) And stores the found file (Steam stores them in ~/.steam/steam/steam/games/) under ~/.config/steamtinkerlaunch/games/icons/ either in the ico or zip subdirectory. Depending on the source, the biggest icon in the (multipart) ico is identified and converted to a png (into the png subdirectory) using the imagemagick tools identify and convert or directly extraced from the zip. The destination filename is SteamAppID.png

Those generated png files are used with absolute path in the Game-Desktop-File


  • not every game seems to have the corresponding file available.
  • some "zip" files are in fact "icos" - filtering/redirecting those is not implemented
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