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Side by Side VR
automatically play regular games in side-by-side mode in VR! (also via Steam Collection)
To play games with built in side-by-side you just have to set RUNSBSVR
to 1 (or greater to delay the VR start for RUNSBSVR
seconds) in the game specific config,
everything else is done (almost) automatically:
- start SteamVR
- start the game (game settings required to enable sbs are not automatically enabled! added a tweakcmd for Crysis 2 though )
- start vr-video-player
- when exiting the game, vr-video-player wil be closed as well.
The following games (SteamAppid order) with built in side-by-side mode are tested and working great in Stereoscopic3D under Linux (using the steamtinkerlaunch tweaks):
- Trine Enchanted Edition
- Trine 2: Complete Story
- Sonic Generations Collection
- Crysis 2 - Maximum Edition
- Doom 3: BFG Edition
- Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power
- Deus Ex Mankind Divided (iirc this kind of worked as well with built-in Stereo§d, but was distorted, might be worth a re-check)
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Shadwen
- Super Night Riders (game has native linux binary with Stereo3D support!)
- Light Fairytale Episode 1 (game has native linux binary with Stereo3D support!)
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
- Crysis 3
Those games have built in side-by-side mode as well, but I didn't test them under Linux (thanks @bo3b for suggesting them)
- Avatar (removed from steam, so url points to steamdb.info )
- Elite Dangerous (also has native VR mode)
Tweaks for above games are stored in the system-wide (GLOBALSBSTWEAKS
own ones are storeds in the User Configurations (SBSTWEAKDIR
Playing games in Stereo3D using ReShade and Depth3D shader
There are also a quickstart option SBSVRRS
to directly start regular games in SBS mode without any further configuration
by auto-enabling side-by-side with the shader Depth3D:
set to 1 as shortcut to enable all required flags for SBSVR with ReShade
Playing games in Stereo3D using Geo11
Alternatively it is possible to enable SBSVRGEOELF
(also in the Game Menu),
which automatically enables USEGEOELF
and directly starts it in Side by Side VR
can also be enabled by dropping the game into the Geo11-VR
Steam Collection
Before Starting SteamVR steamtinkerlaunch checks if a HMD is present (using lsusb).
If none was found the SBS VR mode is cancelled and if SBSVRRS
was supposed to start ReShade is disabled as well.
The game starts regularly in pancake mode subsequently.
steamtinkerlaunch goes through several functions to automatically find the current window id
(and for later use also the game window name, to make starting SBS VR for the game faster)
This works mostly very good, but some games start own launchers before the actual game.
Then autodetecting the correct window is almost impossible, and the window name has to be set manually as GAMEWINDOW
If autodetecting failed for whatever reason, it is still possible to pick the game window name again, by using the Tray Icon
The vr-video-player author was so kind to accept a little patch, to work better with steamtinkerlaunch. It is possible to live zoom in and out and the zoom state is written into a temporary file, which steamtinkerlaunch picks up. The value is stored in the internal SBS Tweak config (also when changed) and read from there from now on.
To make switching between game- and vr-video-player window easier (with hmd) there is also the option Toggle Open Windows So switching between the windows is easily possible with Alt+Tab. It is also enabled by default in the SBS-VR Steam Collection (ReShadeVR,SBS-VR,vkVR.conf)
- Helix Vision current problem
- Vk3DVision, Vk3DVision github (no sourcecode yet), main support thread: In my latest attempts, it was at least possible to start Vk3DVision via steamtinkerlaunch before the game (Detroit) and the game started as well. this didn't work before When creating the directory "ProgramData/Vk3DVision" in the Wineprefix manually, Vk3DVision also extract all its self-containing data correctly into it and applies required registry entries. Haven't tried any further so far, but maybe it is possible to inject the dlls or the vulkan Implicit Layer Vk3DVision64.json on a different way(?)
Quick Links
- Changelog
- Installation
- Usage
- Main Menu
- Global Menu
- Tray Icon
- Modding
- Platform-Specific Documentation
- Tweaks
- Utilities
- Advanced