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Game Command Line Arguments

frostworx edited this page Dec 4, 2021 · 4 revisions

Steam uses different sources for game command line arguments.

  • those provided via Steam Launch Options are user customizable and empty by default
  • those provided via Appinfo are "hardcoded" (upstream) and can't be modified (or regularly even seen) by the user

steamtinkerlaunch does not only add another option for directly customizing additional command line arguments GAMEARGS in the Game Menu, but also optinally "unlocks" the "hardcoded" Appinfo ARGUMENTS and makes them configurable and deletable via HARDARGS in the Game Menu. This is accomplished by writing the ARGUMENTS (when found in the current commandline) into the HARDARGS when found and when HARDARGS is nope (default). To disable the HARDARGS completely, they can be set to none or empty the variable completely (will be stored as none then as well) The original, unmodified arguments can always be accessed from the options dropdown menu.

The Steam Launch Options command line arguments are not modifiable from within steamtinkerlaunch as it simply doesn't make any sense, but they are available as read-only entry as SLOARGS in the Game Menu.

To enable the "unlock" mode, the option SORTGARGS in the Game Menu needs to be enabled. The option can also be activated via Steam Category.

By default this is disabled, as the function needs further testing. For example if Steam offers an option menu when starting a game, it likely has multiple different arguments. steamtinkerlaunch only reads the first one found, in which case it might be possible that it falsely categorized as SLOARGS argument, in which case the argument could not be disabled. This could be overridden by allowing a self-rolled ARGUMENTS variable in the Game Menu, which might be added later.

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