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Andres edited this page Jul 2, 2022 · 6 revisions

(Project Page: MangoHud) MangoApp is an application that transparently renders over gamescope. This comes with a few advantages such as greater compatibility with games as well as communicating with gamescope features such as fsr.

Some neat things it can currently that couldn't be done with mangohud are

  • Display the current gamescope upscale method (For now only FSR)
  • Display the current gamescope sharpen level

There are a few undocumented parameters that you can use with mangoapp here are some of them (taken from here)

  • fsr to show fsr status and sharpness
  • hide_fsr_sharpness to hide sharpness


steamtinkerlaunch will automatically enable gamescope and disable mangohud behind the scenes when toggling this.

Also some options that work on mangohud may not work here as it may no longer be possible/needed as mangohud is no longer injected into the game

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