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frostworx edited this page Dec 28, 2021 · 5 revisions

In regular Wine, the "default windows user" in a Wineprefix has the same name as the linux user.

Proton uses a more generic approach and always uses the "windows user" steamuser in the Wineprefix / Compatdata

Like in real Windows, most of all game configurations are stored in the user directory (in rare cases also directly in the gamedir)


By using the Backup Support option it is possible to both backup and restore this directory, where the restore trigger is customizable.


steamtinkerlaunch also gives the option in the Game Menu to symlink the steamuser directory into a central location - either

  • per game (~/.config/steamtinkerlaunch/proton/steamuser/$SteamAppID SteamAppID - USESUSYM)
  • or globally (~/.config/steamtinkerlaunch/proton/steamuser/global -USEGLOBSUSYM- requiresUSESUSYM` to be set as well)

Using the latter option it is possible to use one single steamuser directory for all Proton games together

For other Symlink Options see Symlinks

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