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Tray Icon

podiki edited this page Mar 16, 2021 · 17 revisions

stl also offers a Tray Icon, which automatically starts and is available until stl (or the started game) exits. Can be disabled (by default enabled) with disabling USETRAYICON in the Global Config (f.e. via Global Menu). Right Click opens The Menu. Middle Click Closes The Menu.

Tray Icon Buttons

  • "Kill Proton Game" (kills the currently running Proton game by killing its wineserver)
  • "Pause/Unpause active window" (waits 5 seconds and un-/pauses the process of the window which is currently active)
  • "Shader Menu" (opens Shader Management for the currently running Game - Shaders can be added/removed on the fly here)
  • "Open running game in VR" (opens the running game in SBS-VR. If the current game window is unknown it can be picked)
  • "Pick Window Name" (the name of the picked window will be stored as GAMEWINDOW in the Metadata)
  • "Steam Reset Collections" (just a shortcut for the steam command steam://resetcollections - mostly for Adding a Non-Steam Game)
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