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All different user writable tweakfiles live in their own subdirectory under TWEAKDIR ("$STLCFGDIR/tweaks")

If a tweak config TWEAKCFG ( SteamAppID.conf ) in GLOBALTWEAKDIR or USERTWEAKDIR (overrides global) is found its settings overrides the settings in the Game Config. By means of this function it is be possible to contribute tweak configs required to get games to work hazzlefree out of the box to the community. With CREATETWEAKS a default template tweak file is auto-generated on game launch, to make creating one a bit easier.

Some system wide tweaks can already be used (see Installation).

If you use/create tweaks make sure to retest your game with later proton versions without the tweak and report upstream if the bug is fixed! The used proton Version is automatically written into the tweak file when created with CREATETWEAKS. User tweak-files in USERTWEAKDIR override global tweaks in GLOBALTWEAKDIR, [Autotweaks](#Auto Tweaks)


An example tweakfile looks like this:


#GAMENAME=Kane and Lynch Dead Men
WINETRICKSPAKS=d3dx9_31 d3dx9_34

Explained in detail: When the game "Kane and Lynch Dead Men" is started stl will find its tweakfile (8080.conf = SteamAppId.conf) and apply following configurations:

  • d3dx9_31 d3dx9_34 will be installed via wintricks
  • PROTON_NO_ESYNC and PROTON_NO_FSYNC will both be set to 1
  • gfwl will be removed

This works completely automatically and transparent without any user interaction. (of course the first start will need some time when aditional packages are installed)

Tweak Commands

It is also possible to define a script under TWEAKCMD (f.e. in TWEAKCFG) which should be started before the game launch. This is especially useful when it is necessary to move or rename game files to get a game working. When a TWEAKCMD is defined stl will check if it finds the file

  • as absolute path
  • in the system tweak directory
  • in the user tweak directory
  • in the game directory

In case the file was found stl checks if a TWEAKFILE is defined in the TWEAKCMD file. This comes in handy when the script requires a specific file (f.e. a custom game exe) which is not available for everybody. With this little "dependency check" the tweak file is simply skipped if the file was not found and the tweak can still be shared in the community. Not exported variables are not available in the script, but usually none should be required (yay might want to check env for available vars)

  • GPFX="$STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH/pfx" :can be used as variable for the games WINEPREFIX
  • GFD="$(awk -F 'common' '{print $1}' <<< "$PWD")common/$(awk -F 'common' '{print $NF}' <<< "$PWD" | cut -d'/' -f2)": can be used for the base game dir

SBS Tweaks

Game specific config files SteamAppID.conf both in and system-wide (GLOBALSBSTWEAKDIR) and User Configurations (SBSTWEAKDIR) with optimal settings for SBS-VR (f.e. launcher skips using the game exe as custom command).

Here's an example config for trine 2 STLCFGDIR/sbs/35720.conf


Means, when RUNSBSVR is not 0 in the main Trine2 config file it will autodetect above sbs tweak config and use the defined variables: Trine 2 won't start it's original launcher (ONLY_CUSTOMCMD=1), but only the custom command trine2_32bit.exe and will wait for a Trine 2 window to open in VR

So in general sbs configs are automatically loaded when found and override settings in the main config so you just have to enable RUNSBSVR in STLCFGDIR/gamecfgs/35720.conf and everything else is configured automatically.

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