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2023.08.17 TT WIGOSMD

Anna Milan edited this page Aug 29, 2023 · 9 revisions

Task Team WIGOS Metadata

17 August 2023 12-13:30 UTC

Agenda & Notes


  • Welcome
  • Secretariat updates (Anna)
  • WMDR2 Roadmap
  1. Instrument deployments and siting classifications (Jitze), in discussion
  2. Historization of station characteristics (TBD), in discussion


  • Joerg welcomed the team and thanked Anthonin and Juan for their contributions
  • Anna mentioned that FT2023-2 Proposal for Amendments document is prepared and going out to NFPs later than usual
  • The team talked about planning for WMDR2; Anna noted that the goal is to prepare a transition plan and justification with an appendix to standard in the INFCOM-3 proposal and it's probably not possible to have a F2F this year;
  • Joerg showed the presentation from TECO
    • ISO 19156:2022/OGC OMS is now published; there are no schemas yet, the OGC standards group is in the process of developing a JSON schema pattern for OMS; new "elements" are deployment (link b/t observer and host), observer (instrument, sensor) and host (station, platform, satellite) which are helpful for WIGOS metadata;
    • the team looked at the UML model and discussed the differences between models, concepts and implementations across WIGOS and OGC; Gao noted that GEOMS is gaining traction; John Eyre noted that OSCAR RRR should be on the list of stakeholders and when should it be appropriate to involve them?;
  • Joerg also showed a mapping of current WIGOS Codes to I-Adopt framework;


Next meetings

  • 29 August 2023, 12-14 UTC
  • 19 Sept 2023


Team Members

Name Present
Jörg Klausen (Switzerland Chair TT-WIGOSMD) X
Tom Kralidis (Canada ET-Metadata Chair) X
Gao Chen (USA) X
Lara Ferrighi (Norway) X
Rainer Maerz (Germany)
Shuli HAN (China)
Juan Bianchi (Argentina)

WMO Secretariat

Name Present
Anna Milan X
David Berry
Rodica Nitu
Lize Anthonin (OceanOPS) X
Johanna Korhonen
Magali Krieger (OceanOPS) X
Washington Otieno
Champika Gallage


Name Present
Franziska Stürzl (OSCAR/Surface) X
Sarina Danioth (MeteoSwiss)
Jitze van der Meulen (KNMI) X
John Eyre (retired from UK MetOffice) X
Tanja Kleinart, ET-WT
Samantha Linnerts, ET-WT
Thinesh Sornalingam, ET-WT
Markus Fiebig, NILU