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Anna Milan edited this page Dec 13, 2024 · 15 revisions


  • Thursday 13 December 2024 12h - 13h30 UTC
  • online



Name Country/Affiliation GitHub handle Attendance
Jörg KLAUSEN (Chair) Switzerland @joergklausen X
Lance BRAASCH USA @lancebraasch
Gao CHEN USA @gaochen-larc X
Shuli HAN China @hansl2022
Anne KAMAU Kenya @kamauanne-cpu X
Paolo LEONI Italy @PaoloLeoniIT
Sivashni NAICKER South Africa @TBA
--- --- --- ---
Magali KRIEGER OceanOPS/WMO @MKrieger29 X
Anna MILAN WMO Secretariat @amilan17 X


Name Country/Affiliation GitHub handle Attendance
Dave BERRY WMO Secretariat/climate/information management/NetCDF
Johanna KORHONEN WMO Secretariat / Hydrology X
Samantha LINNERTS South Africa / ET-WTR
Luis NUNES WMO Secretariat / ET-WTR X
Washington OTIENO WMO Secretariat / Hydrology X
Franziska Stürzl MeteoSwiss / Oscar Surface @fstuerzl X
Jitze VAN DER MEULEN KNMI / MINT editorial board @meulenvd
Ran ZHANG WMO Secretariat / Cryosphere ---
Kruno PREMEC WMO Secretariat / ET-EOSDE ---

Agenda (DRAFT)

  • Open (Jörg)
  • Secretariat updates (Anna) - Task Team on Metadata Alignment, Code management, coordination with ET-EOSDE,
  • Updates from other teams as relevant
    • ET-WTR/TT-WOT (Thinesh)
    • GAW/ET-ACDM (Jörg)
    • OGC OMS SWG (Jörg)
  • Review the status of amendments in progress
  • Review new issues
  • AOB


  • Open (Jörg)

  • The team reviewed the proposal for common/consistent code management and discussed the confusion of using superseded.

  • Updates from other teams as relevant (ET-WTR, ET-EOSDE, TT-WISMD, GAW/ET-ACDM, OGC OMS SWG, ...)

    • (Jörg) GAW/ET-ACDM: working on proposal to re-link GAW DCs to GAWSIS-OSCAR/Surface. In the process, previous vocabulary work related to atmospheric composition will most certainly come up.
    • (Jörg) OGC OMS SWG: Logical model for OMS proposed to simplify OMS-compliant domain models. This will affect the WMDR2.0 model on the UML level, hopefully also increasing the momentum for that work. Support by TT-WIGOSMD members most welcome.
    • (Thinesh) TT-WOT developing a work plan and talked about how WIS/WIGOS metadata can be integrated through references to facility set in WIS metadata. Question from TT-WOT on how to create linkage to WIS datasets from WIGOS metadata. There is a detailed plan for adding hydro stations to OSCAR/Surface
    • (Luis) ET-WTR and SC-ON are figuring out how to respond to deprecations of values in the data policy code list and application areas code list.
    • (Jörg) TT on Metadata Alignment can look at linking to datasets from WIGOS metadata; @ Thinesh - Does the ET-WTR coordinate with ET-EOSDE on requirements? @ Luis - is there a WMO group that can look at how to address data policy?
    • (Anne) planning to create an issue on GitHub for some problems with registering stations with CO2 and CH4... (Jörg) through GAW work requested registration of stations in Kenya; Anne can help network with other experts to help define the problem for submitting issues in GitHub. After the issue is registered, the team can discuss;
  • The team briefly reviewed the status of amendments in progress image

  • AOB - next meeting date and time confirmed. All are invited to provide comments on the issues.

Next meetings

  • 2025-01-16 12-13h30 UTC