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Quintin edited this page May 16, 2023 · 3 revisions


DIS Blueprint Function Library. Houses functions for common geospatial conversions and for common PDU accessor functions.

public class Conversions


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Access Return Name Description
Public Static void ApplyHeadingPitchRollToNorthEastDownVector(FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollDegrees, FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors, out Vector3 outX, out Vector3 outY, out Vector3 outZ) Applies the given heading, pitch, and roll in degrees to the local East North Down vectors
Private Static void ApplyHeadingPitchToNorthEastDownVector(double headingDegrees, double pitchDegrees, FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors, out Vector3 outX, out Vector3 outY, out Vector3 outZ) Rotates the given East, North, and Up vectors by the given Heading and Pitch
Private Static void ApplyRollToNorthEastDownVector(double rollDegrees, FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors, out Vector3 outX, out Vector3 outY, out Vector3 outZ) Rotates the given East, North, and Up vectors by the given Heading and Pitch
Public Static Vector3Double CalculateEcefXYZFromLatLonHeight(FLatLonAlt latLonHeightDegreesMeters) Converts Latitude, Longitude, and Height (LLH) to DIS X, Y, Z coordinates (ECEF) all in double (64-bit) precision
Public Static FHeadingPitchRoll CalculateHeadingPitchRollDegreesFromPsiThetaPhiDegreesAtLatLon(FPsiThetaPhi psiThetaPhiDegrees, double latitudeDegrees, double longitudeDegrees) Calculates the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees from the given DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in degrees at the given Latitude and Longitude
Public Static FHeadingPitchRoll CalculateHeadingPitchRollDegreesFromPsiThetaPhiRadiansAtLatLon(FPsiThetaPhi psiThetaPhiRadians, double latitudeDegrees, double longitudeDegrees) Calculates the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees from the given DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in radians at the given Latitude and Longitude
Public Static FHeadingPitchRoll CalculateHeadingPitchRollRadiansFromPsiThetaPhiDegreesAtLatLon(FPsiThetaPhi psiThetaPhiDegrees, double latitudeDegrees, double longitudeDegrees) Calculates the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in radians from the given DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in degrees at the given Latitude and Longitude
Public Static FHeadingPitchRoll CalculateHeadingPitchRollRadiansFromPsiThetaPhiRadiansAtLatLon(FPsiThetaPhi psiThetaPhiRadians, double latitudeDegrees, double longitudeDegrees) Calculates the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in radians from the given DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in radians at the given Latitude and Longitude
Public Static void CalculateLatLonFromNorthEastDownVectors(FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors, out double latitudeDegrees, out double longitudeDegrees) Calculates the latitude and longitude at the given East, North, and Up vectors
Public Static FLatLonAlt CalculateLatLonHeightFromEcefXYZ(Vector3Double ecefLocation) Converts DIS X, Y, Z coordinates (ECEF) to Latitude, Longitude, and Height (LLH) all in double (64-bit) precision
Public Static FNorthEastDown CalculateNorthEastDownVectorsFromLatLon(double latitudeDegrees, double longitudeDegrees) Calculates the East, North, and Up vectors at given latitude and longitude
Public Static FPsiThetaPhi CalculatePsiThetaPhiDegreesFromHeadingPitchRollDegreesAtLatLon(FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollDegrees, double latitudeDegrees, double longitudeDegrees) Calculates the DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in degrees with the given Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees at the given Latitude and Longitude
Public Static FPsiThetaPhi CalculatePsiThetaPhiDegreesFromHeadingPitchRollRadiansAtLatLon(FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollRadians, double latitudeDegrees, double longitudeDegrees) Calculates the DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in degrees with the given Heading, Pitch, and Roll in radians at the given Latitude and Longitude
Public Static FPsiThetaPhi CalculatePsiThetaPhiRadiansFromHeadingPitchRollDegreesAtLatLon(FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollDegrees, double latitudeDegrees, double longitudeDegrees) Calculates the DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in radians with the given Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees at the given Latitude and Longitude
Public Static FPsiThetaPhi CalculatePsiThetaPhiRadiansFromHeadingPitchRollRadiansAtLatLon(FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollRadians, double latitudeDegrees, double longitudeDegrees) Calculates the DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in radians with the given Heading, Pitch, and Roll in radians at the given Latitude and Longitude
Public Static dmat4 CreateRotationMatrix(Vector3 AxisVector, double thetaRadians) Creates a 4x4 rotation matrix around the given axis of rotation rotating by Theta radians
Public Static dmat3 CreateRotationMatrix(dvec3 AxisVector, double ThetaRadians) Creates a 3x3 rotation matrix around the given axis of rotation rotating by Theta radians
Public Static dmat3 CreateSkewMatrix(dvec3 nVector) Creates a 3x3 n^x matrix used for creating a rotation matrix
Public Static dmat4 CreateSkewMatrix4x4(Vector3 nVector) Creates a 4x4 n^x matrix used for creating a rotation matrix
Public Static FEastNorthUp GetEastNorthUpVectorsFromNorthEastDownVectors(FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors) Get the East, North, and Up vectors from the North, East, and Down vector struct
Public Static void GetEcefXYZAndPsiThetaPhiDegreesFromUnity(Vector3 UnityRotation, Vector3 UnityLocation, GeoreferenceSystem GeoReferencingSystem, out Vector3Double EcefXYZ, out FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiDegrees, Vector3 OriginRebasingOffset) Gets the ECEF location and the Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in degrees of the given Unity rotation at the given Unity location
Public Static void GetEcefXYZAndPsiThetaPhiRadiansFromUnity(Vector3 UnityRotation, Vector3 UnityLocation, GeoreferenceSystem GeoReferencingSystem, out Vector3Double EcefXYZ, out FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiRadians, Vector3 OriginRebasingOffset) Gets the ECEF location and the Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in radians of the given Unity rotation at the given Unity location
Public Static FHeadingPitchRoll GetHeadingPitchRollFromUnityRotation(Vector3 UnityRotation) Gets the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees of the given Unity rotation at the given Unity location
Public Static FNorthEastDown GetNorthEastDownVectorsFromEastNorthUpVectors(FEastNorthUp EastNorthUpVectors) Get the North, East, and Down vectors from the East, North, and Up vector struct
Public Static FPsiThetaPhi GetPsiThetaPhiDegreesFromUnityRotation(Vector3 UnityRotation, Vector3 UnityLocation, GeoreferenceSystem GeoReferencingSystem, Vector3 OriginRebasingOffset) Gets the Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in degrees of the given Unity rotation at the given Unity location
Public Static FPsiThetaPhi GetPsiThetaPhiRadiansFromUnityRotation(Vector3 UnityRotation, Vector3 UnityLocation, GeoreferenceSystem GeoReferencingSystem, Vector3 OriginRebasingOffset) Gets the Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in radians of the given Unity rotation at the given Unity location
Public Static void GetUnityLocationAndOrientationFromEntityStatePdu(EntityStatePdu EntityStatePdu, GeoreferenceSystem GeoReferencingSystem, out Vector3 UnityLocation, out Vector3 UnityRotation, Vector3 OriginRebasingOffset) Gets the Unity X, Y, Z coordinates and rotation from a DIS entity state PDU. Location values returned change depending on if GeoReferencing System is set to Flat Earth or Round Earth.
Public Static Vector3 GetUnityRotationFromEntityStatePdu(EntityStatePdu EntityStatePduIn) Gets Unity rotation from a DIS entity state PDU
Public Static Vector3 GetUnityRotationFromHeadingPitchRollDegreesAtLatLon(FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollDegrees, double LatitudeDegrees, double LongitudeDegrees) Get the Unity rotation from the given Heading, Pitch, Roll rotation in degrees
Public Static Vector3 GetUnityRotationFromHeadingPitchRollRadiansAtLatLon(FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollRadians, double LatitudeDegrees, double LongitudeDegrees) Get the Unity rotation from the given Heading, Pitch, Roll rotation in radians
Public Static Vector3 GetUnityRotationFromPsiThetaPhiDegreesAtLatLon(FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiDegrees, double LatitudeDegrees, double LongitudeDegrees) Get the Unity rotation from the given Psi, Theta, Phi rotation in degrees
Public Static Vector3 GetUnityRotationFromPsiThetaPhiRadiansAtLatLon(FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiRadians, double LatitudeDegrees, double LongitudeDegrees) Get the Unity rotation from the given Psi, Theta, Phi rotation in radians
Public Static Vector3 RotateVectorAroundAxisByDegrees(Vector3 vectorToRotate, double thetaRadians, Vector3 axisVector) Rotates the vector VectorToRotate around given axis AxisVector by Theta degrees
Public Static dvec3 RotateVectorAroundAxisByDegrees(dvec3 vectorToRotate, double thetaRadians, dvec3 axisVector) Rotates the vector VectorToRotate around given axis AxisVector by Theta degrees
Public Static Vector3 RotateVectorAroundAxisByRadians(Vector3 vectorToRotate, double thetaRadians, Vector3 axisVector) Rotates the vector VectorToRotate around given axis AxisVector by Theta radians
Public Static dvec3 RotateVectorAroundAxisByRadians(dvec3 vectorToRotate, double thetaRadians, dvec3 axisVector) Rotates the vector VectorToRotate around given axis AxisVector by Theta radians
Public Static Vector3 UnwindRotation(Vector3 RotationDegrees) Takes in a rotation in degrees and finds the shortest route along each axis. (ex: [348, -181, 89] becomes [-12, 179, 89]).

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public static void ApplyHeadingPitchRollToNorthEastDownVector
    FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollDegrees,
    FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors,
    out Vector3 outX,
    out Vector3 outY,
    out Vector3 outZ)

Applies the given heading, pitch, and roll in degrees to the local East North Down vectors.

Parameter Description
HeadingPitchRollDegrees The degrees from North of the facing direction (heading), the degrees rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the degrees rotated about the local X axis (roll)
NorthEastDownVectors The vectors pointing to the North, to the East, and toward the center of the Earth
outX The x axis (forward) vector with the heading and pitch applied
outY The y axis (right) vector with the heading and pitch applied
outZ The z axis (down) vector with the heading and pitch applied

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public static void ApplyHeadingPitchToNorthEastDownVector(
    double headingDegrees,
    double pitchDegrees,
    FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors,
    out Vector3 outX,
    out Vector3 outY,
    out Vector3 outZ

Rotates the given East, North, and Up vectors by the given Heading and Pitch.

Parameter Description
headingDegrees The degrees from North of the facing direction (spin left and right)
pitchDegrees The degrees rotated about the local Y axis (front tip up and down)
NorthEastDownVectors The vectors pointing to the North, to the East, and toward the center of the Earth
outX The x axis (forward) vector with the heading and pitch applied
outY The y axis (right) vector with the heading and pitch applied
outZ the z axis (up) vector with the heading and pitch applied

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public static void ApplyRollToNorthEastDownVector
    double rollDegrees,
    FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors,
    out Vector3 outX,
    out Vector3 outY,
    out Vector3 outZ

Rotates the given East, North, and Up vectors by the given Heading and Pitch.

Parameter Description
rollDegrees The degrees rotated about the local X axis (tilt left and right)
NorthEastDownVectors The vectors pointing to the North, to the East, and toward the center of the Earth
outX The x axis (forward) vector with the heading and pitch applied
outY The y axis (right) vector with the heading and pitch applied
outZ the z axis (up) vector with the heading and pitch applied

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public static Vector3Double CalculateEcefXYZFromLatLonHeight
    FLatLonAlt latLonHeightDegreesMeters

Converts Latitude, Longitude, and Height (LLH) to DIS X, Y, Z coordinates (ECEF) all in double (64-bit) precision.

Parameter Description
LatLonHeightDegreesMeters The latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and height in meters
The converted ECEF location

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public static FHeadingPitchRoll CalculateHeadingPitchRollDegreesFromPsiThetaPhiDegreesAtLatLon
    FPsiThetaPhi psiThetaPhiDegrees,
    double latitudeDegrees,
    double longitudeDegrees

Calculates the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees from the given DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in degrees at the given Latitude and Longitude.

Parameter Description
PsiThetaPhiDegrees The rotation about the Z axis in degrees (Psi),the rotation about the Y axis in degrees (Theta), the rotation about the X axis in degrees (Phi)
LatitudeDegrees The target latitude given in degrees
LongitudeDegrees The target longitude given in degrees
The degrees from North of the facing direction (heading), the degrees rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the degrees rotated about the local X axis (roll)

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public static FHeadingPitchRoll CalculateHeadingPitchRollDegreesFromPsiThetaPhiRadiansAtLatLon
    FPsiThetaPhi psiThetaPhiRadians,
    double latitudeDegrees,
    double longitudeDegrees

Calculates the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees from the given DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in radians at the given Latitude and Longitude.

Parameter Description
psiThetaPhiRadians The rotation about the Z axis in radians (Psi),the rotation about the Y axis in radians (Theta), the rotation about the X axis in radians (Phi)
latitudeDegrees The target latitude given in degrees
longitudeDegrees The target longitude given in degrees
The degrees from North of the facing direction (heading), the degrees rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the degrees rotated about the local X axis (roll)

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public static FHeadingPitchRoll CalculateHeadingPitchRollRadiansFromPsiThetaPhiDegreesAtLatLon
    FPsiThetaPhi psiThetaPhiDegrees,
    double latitudeDegrees,
    double longitudeDegrees

Calculates the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in radians from the given DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in degrees at the given Latitude and Longitude.

Parameter Description
psiThetaPhiDegrees The rotation about the Z axis in degrees (Psi),the rotation about the Y axis in degrees (Theta), the rotation about the X axis in degrees (Phi)
latitudeDegrees The target latitude given in degrees
longitudeDegrees The target longitude given in degrees
The radians from North of the facing direction (heading), the radians rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the radians rotated about the local X axis (roll)

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public static FHeadingPitchRoll CalculateHeadingPitchRollRadiansFromPsiThetaPhiRadiansAtLatLon
    FPsiThetaPhi psiThetaPhiRadians,
    double latitudeDegrees,
    double longitudeDegrees

Calculates the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in radians from the given DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in radians at the given Latitude and Longitude.

Parameter Description
psiThetaPhiRadians The rotation about the Z axis in radians (Psi),the rotation about the Y axis in radians (Theta), the rotation about the X axis in radians (Phi)
latitudeDegrees The target latitude given in degrees
longitudeDegrees The target longitude given in degrees
The radians from North of the facing direction (heading), the radians rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the radians rotated about the local X axis (roll)

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public static void CalculateLatLonFromNorthEastDownVectors
    FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors,
    out double latitudeDegrees,
    out double longitudeDegrees

Calculates the latitude and longitude at the given East, North, and Up vectors.

Parameter Description
NorthEastDownVectors The vectors pointing to the North, to the East, and toward the center of the Earth
latitudeDegrees The target latitude given in degrees
longitudeDegrees The target longitude given in degrees

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public static FLatLonAlt CalculateLatLonHeightFromEcefXYZ
    Vector3Double ecefLocation

Converts DIS X, Y, Z coordinates (ECEF) to Latitude, Longitude, and Height (LLH) all in double (64-bit) precision.

Parameter Description
ecefLocation The ECEF location
The converted latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and height in meters

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public static FNorthEastDown CalculateNorthEastDownVectorsFromLatLon
    double latitudeDegrees,
    double longitudeDegrees

Calculates the East, North, and Up vectors at given latitude and longitude.

Parameter Description
latitudeDegrees The target latitude given in degrees
longitudeDegrees The target longitude given in degrees
The local vectors pointing North, pointing East, and toward the center of the Earth at the given latitude and longitude

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public static FPsiThetaPhi CalculatePsiThetaPhiDegreesFromHeadingPitchRollDegreesAtLatLon
    FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollDegrees,
    double latitudeDegrees,
    double longitudeDegrees

Calculates the DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in degrees with the given Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees at the given Latitude and Longitude.

Parameter Description
HeadingPitchRollDegrees The degrees from North of the facing direction (heading), the degrees rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the degrees rotated about the local X axis (roll)
latitudeDegrees The target latitude given in degrees
longitudeDegrees The target longitude given in degrees
The rotation about the Z axis in degrees (Psi),the rotation about the Y axis in degrees (Theta), the rotation about the X axis in degrees (Phi)

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public static FPsiThetaPhi CalculatePsiThetaPhiDegreesFromHeadingPitchRollRadiansAtLatLon
    FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollRadians,
    double latitudeDegrees,
    double longitudeDegrees

Calculates the DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in degrees with the given Heading, Pitch, and Roll in radians at the given Latitude and Longitude.

Parameter Description
HeadingPitchRollRadians The radians from North of the facing direction (heading), the radians rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the radians rotated about the local X axis (roll)
latitudeDegrees The target latitude given in degrees
longitudeDegrees The target longitude given in degrees
The rotation about the Z axis in degrees (Psi),the rotation about the Y axis in degrees (Theta), the rotation about the X axis in degrees (Phi)

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public static FPsiThetaPhi CalculatePsiThetaPhiRadiansFromHeadingPitchRollDegreesAtLatLon
    FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollDegrees,
    double latitudeDegrees,
    double longitudeDegrees

Calculates the DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in radians with the given Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees at the given Latitude and Longitude.

Parameter Description
HeadingPitchRollDegrees The degrees from North of the facing direction (heading), the degrees rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the degrees rotated about the local X axis (roll)
latitudeDegrees The target latitude given in degrees
longitudeDegrees The target longitude given in degrees
The rotation about the Z axis in radians (Psi),the rotation about the Y axis in radians (Theta), the rotation about the X axis in radians (Phi)

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public static FPsiThetaPhi CalculatePsiThetaPhiRadiansFromHeadingPitchRollRadiansAtLatLon
    FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollRadians,
    double latitudeDegrees,
    double longitudeDegrees

Calculates the DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in radians with the given Heading, Pitch, and Roll in radians at the given Latitude and Longitude.

Parameter Description
HeadingPitchRollRadians The radians from North of the facing direction (heading), the radians rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the radians rotated about the local X axis (roll)
latitudeDegrees The target latitude given in degrees
longitudeDegrees The target longitude given in degrees
The rotation about the Z axis in radians (Psi),the rotation about the Y axis in radians (Theta), the rotation about the X axis in radians (Phi)

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public static dmat4 CreateRotationMatrix
    Vector3 AxisVector,
    double thetaRadians

Creates a 4x4 rotation matrix around the given axis of rotation rotating by Theta radians.

Parameter Description
AxisVector A vector representing the axis of rotation
ThetaRadians The amount to rotate given in radians
The resultant rotation matrix to rotate Theta radians around axis AxisVector

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public static dmat3 CreateRotationMatrix
    dvec3 AxisVector,
    double ThetaRadians

Creates a 3x3 rotation matrix around the given axis of rotation rotating by Theta radians.

Parameter Description
AxisVector A 3x1 vector representing the axis of rotation
ThetaRadians The amount to rotate given in radians
The resultant rotation matrix to rotate Theta radians around axis AxisVector

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public static dmat3 CreateSkewMatrix
    dvec3 nVector

Creates a 3x3 n^x matrix used for creating a rotation matrix

Parameter Description
nVector A 3x1 vector representing the axis of rotation
A 3x3 n^x matrix used for creating a rotation matrix

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public static dmat4 CreateSkewMatrix4x4
    dvec3 nVector

Creates a 4x4 n^x matrix used for creating a rotation matrix.

Parameter Description
nVector A 3x1 vector representing the axis of rotation
A 4x4 n^x matrix used for creating a rotation matrix

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public static FEastNorthUp GetEastNorthUpVectorsFromNorthEastDownVectors
    FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors

Get the East, North, and Up vectors from the North, East, and Down vector struct.

Parameter Description
NorthEastDownVectors The North, East, and Down vectors representing the current orientation
The resulting East, North, and Up vectors representing the current orientation

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public static void GetEcefXYZAndPsiThetaPhiDegreesFromUnity
    Vector3 UnityRotation,
    Vector3 UnityLocation,
    GeoreferenceSystem GeoReferencingSystem,
    out Vector3Double EcefXYZ,
    out FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiDegrees,
    Vector3 OriginRebasingOffset = default

Gets the ECEF location and the Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in degrees of the given Unity rotation at the given Unity location.

Parameter Description
UnityRotation The Unity rotation in world space
UnityLocation The Unity location in world space
GeoReferencingSystem The GeoReferencing System reference
EcefXYZ The ECEF location of the given Unity location
PsiThetaPhiDegrees The Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in degrees
OriginRebasingOffset Any offset that the Unity origin location has had applied to it. Used to take origin shifting into account.

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public static void GetEcefXYZAndPsiThetaPhiRadiansFromUnity
    Vector3 UnityRotation,
    Vector3 UnityLocation,
    GeoreferenceSystem GeoReferencingSystem,
    out Vector3Double EcefXYZ,
    out FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiRadians,
    Vector3 OriginRebasingOffset = default

Gets the ECEF location and the Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in radians of the given Unity rotation at the given Unity location

Parameter Description
UnityRotation The Unity rotation in world space
UnityLocation The Unity location in world space
GeoReferencingSystem The GeoReferencing System reference
EcefXYZ The ECEF location of the given Unity location
PsiThetaPhiRadians The Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in radians
OriginRebasingOffset Any offset that the Unity origin location has had applied to it. Used to take origin shifting into account.

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public static FHeadingPitchRoll GetHeadingPitchRollFromUnityRotation
    Vector3 UnityRotation

Gets the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees of the given Unity rotation at the given Unity location

Parameter Description
UnityRotation The Unity rotation in world space
The heading from North, pitch, and roll in degrees

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public static FNorthEastDown GetNorthEastDownVectorsFromEastNorthUpVectors
    FEastNorthUp EastNorthUpVectors

Get the North, East, and Down vectors from the East, North, and Up vector struct.

Parameter Description
EastNorthUpVectors The East, North, and Up vectors representing the current orientation
The resulting North, East, and Down vectors representing the current orientation

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public static FPsiThetaPhi GetPsiThetaPhiDegreesFromUnityRotation
    Vector3 UnityRotation,
    Vector3 UnityLocation,
    GeoreferenceSystem GeoReferencingSystem,
    Vector3 OriginRebasingOffset = default

Gets the Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in degrees of the given Unity rotation at the given Unity location

Parameter Description
UnityRotation The Unity rotation in world space
UnityLocation The Unity location in world space
GeoReferencingSystem The GeoReferencing System reference
OriginRebasingOffset Any offset that the Unity origin location has had applied to it. Used to take origin shifting into account.
The Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in degrees

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public static FPsiThetaPhi GetPsiThetaPhiRadiansFromUnityRotation
    Vector3 UnityRotation,
    Vector3 UnityLocation,
    GeoreferenceSystem GeoReferencingSystem,
    Vector3 OriginRebasingOffset = default

Gets the Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in radians of the given Unity rotation at the given Unity location.

Parameter Description
UnityRotation The Unity rotation in world space
UnityLocation The Unity location in world space
GeoReferencingSystem The GeoReferencing System reference
OriginRebasingOffset Any offset that the Unity origin location has had applied to it. Used to take origin shifting into account.
The Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in radians

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public static void GetUnityLocationAndOrientationFromEntityStatePdu
    EntityStatePdu EntityStatePdu,
    GeoreferenceSystem GeoReferencingSystem,
    out Vector3 UnityLocation,
    out Vector3 UnityRotation,
    Vector3 OriginRebasingOffset = default

Gets the Unity X, Y, Z coordinates and rotation from a DIS entity state PDU. Location values returned change depending on if GeoReferencing System is set to Flat Earth or Round Earth.

Parameter Description
EntityStatePdu The DIS PDU struct indicating the current state of the DIS entity
GeoReferencingSystem The GeoReferencing System reference
UnityLocation The location of the entity in Unity
UnityRotation The rotation of the entity in Unity
OriginRebasingOffset Any offset that the Unity origin location has had applied to it. Used to take origin shifting into account.

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public static Vector3 GetUnityRotationFromEntityStatePdu
    EntityStatePdu EntityStatePduIn

Gets Unity rotation from a DIS entity state PDU.

Parameter Description
EntityStatePdu The DIS PDU struct indicating the current state of the DIS entity
The rotation of the entity in Unity

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public static Vector3 GetUnityRotationFromHeadingPitchRollDegreesAtLatLon
    FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollDegrees,
    double LatitudeDegrees,
    double LongitudeDegrees

Get the Unity rotation from the given Heading, Pitch, Roll rotation in degrees.

Parameter Description
HeadingPitchRollDegrees The Heading, Pitch, Roll rotation in degrees to get the Unity rotation from
LatitudeDegrees The target latitude given in degrees
LongitudeDegrees The target longitude given in degrees
The Unity rotation of the given Heading, Pitch, Roll rotation

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public static Vector3 GetUnityRotationFromHeadingPitchRollRadiansAtLatLon
    FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollRadians,
    double LatitudeDegrees,
    double LongitudeDegrees

Get the Unity rotation from the given Heading, Pitch, Roll rotation in radians.

Parameter Description
HeadingPitchRollRadians The Heading, Pitch, Roll rotation in radians to get the Unity rotation from
LatitudeDegrees The target latitude given in degrees
LongitudeDegrees The target longitude given in degrees
The Unity rotation of the given Heading, Pitch, Roll rotation

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public static Vector3 GetUnityRotationFromPsiThetaPhiDegreesAtLatLon
    FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiDegrees,
    double LatitudeDegrees,
    double LongitudeDegrees

Get the Unity rotation from the given Psi, Theta, Phi rotation in degrees.

Parameter Description
PsiThetaPhiDegrees The Psi, Theta, Phi rotation in degrees to get the Unity rotation from
LatitudeDegrees The target latitude given in degrees
LongitudeDegrees The target longitude given in degrees
The Unity rotation of the given Psi, Theta, Phi rotation

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public static Vector3 GetUnityRotationFromPsiThetaPhiRadiansAtLatLon
    FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiRadians,
    double LatitudeDegrees,
    double LongitudeDegrees

Get the Unity rotation from the given Psi, Theta, Phi rotation in radians.

Parameter Description
PsiThetaPhiRadians The Psi, Theta, Phi rotation in radians to get the Unity rotation from
LatitudeDegrees The target latitude given in degrees
LongitudeDegrees The target longitude given in degrees
The Unity rotation of the given Psi, Theta, Phi rotation

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public static Vector3 RotateVectorAroundAxisByDegrees
    Vector3 vectorToRotate,
    double thetaDegrees,
    Vector3 axisVector

Rotates the vector VectorToRotate around given axis AxisVector by Theta degrees.

Parameter Description
vectorToRotate The target vector to rotate
thetaDegrees The desired amount to rotation in degrees
axisVector The vector indicating the axis of rotation
The resultant rotated vector

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public static dvec3 RotateVectorAroundAxisByDegrees
    dvec3 vectorToRotate,
    double thetaDegrees,
    dvec3 axisVector

Rotates the vector VectorToRotate around given axis AxisVector by Theta degrees

Parameter Description
vectorToRotate The target vector to rotate
thetaDegrees The desired amount to rotation in degrees
axisVector The vector indicating the axis of rotation
The resultant rotated vector

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public static Vector3 RotateVectorAroundAxisByRadians
    Vector3 vectorToRotate,
    double thetaRadians,
    Vector3 axisVector

Rotates the vector VectorToRotate around given axis AxisVector by Theta radians

Parameter Description
vectorToRotate The target vector to rotate
thetaRadians The desired amount to rotation in radians
axisVector The vector indicating the axis of rotation
The resultant rotated vector

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public static dvec3 RotateVectorAroundAxisByRadians
    dvec3 vectorToRotate,
    double thetaRadians,
    dvec3 axisVector

Rotates the vector VectorToRotate around given axis AxisVector by Theta radians.

Parameter Description
vectorToRotate The target vector to rotate
thetaRadians The desired amount to rotation in radians
axisVector The vector indicating the axis of rotation
The resultant rotated vector

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public static Vector3 UnwindRotation
    Vector3 RotationDegrees

Takes in a rotation in degrees and finds the shortest route along each axis. (ex: [348, -181, 89] becomes [-12, 179, 89])

Parameter Description
RotationDegrees Vector3 in degrees to unwind.
Vector3 containing shortest route rotations along each axis.

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