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Dead Reckoning Library

Dead Reckoning Blueprint Function Library. Houses functions for performing dead reckoning.

public class DeadReckoningLibrary


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Access Type Name Description
Private Static Const double ALLOWABLE_FLOATING_POINT_ERROR The minimum offset a floating point number can have to be approximately equal.
Private Static Const double MIN_ROTATION_RATE Minimum significant rotation rate = 1deg/5sec.

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Access Return Name Description
Public Static Orientation CalculateBodyDeadReckonedPosition(dvec3 entityLocation, dvec3 entityLinearVelocity, dvec3 entityLinearAcceleration, dvec3 entityAngularVelocity, Orientation entityOrientation, float deltaTime) Calculates the new position vector using the given velocity, acceleration, and time increment given in body coordinates
Public Static Orientation CalculateDeadReckonedOrientation(Orientation entityOrientation, dvec3 entityAngularVelocity, float deltaTime) Calculates the new orientation vector using the given velocity, acceleration, and time increment
Public Static dvec3 CalculateDeadReckonedPosition(dvec3 PositionVector, dvec3 VelocityVector, dvec3 AccelerationVector, float DeltaTime) Calculates the new position vector using the given velocity, acceleration, and time increment
Public Static Orientation CalculateOrientationFromQuaternion(dvec3 AngularVelocity, Quaternion localQuaternion, float deltaTime) Converts a Quaternion into an OpenDIS Orientation (Psi, Theta, Phi).
Public Static dmat3(dvec3 AngularVelocityVector, double DeltaTime) Calculates and returns the dead reckoning matrix used for calculating entity rotation
Public Static Quaternion CreateDeadReckoningQuaternion(dvec3 AngularVelocityVector, double DeltaTime) Calculates and returns the dead reckoning quaternion used for calculating entity rotation
Public Static bool DeadReckoning(EntityStatePdu EntityPduToDeadReckon, float DeltaTime, ref EntityStatePdu DeadReckonedPdu) Performs dead reckoning on the given Entity PDU
Public Static byte[] FormOtherParameters(EDeadReckoningAlgorithm DeadReckoningAlgorithm, Orientation EntityPsiThetaPhiRadians, Vector3Double EntityECEFLocation) Forms the Other Parameters section utilized in Dead Reckoning Parameters
Public Static dmat3 GetEntityOrientationMatrix(Orientation entityOrientation) Calculates a DIS entity's orientation matrix from the provided Euler angles
Public Static Quaternion GetEntityOrientationQuaternion(double PsiRadians, double ThetaRadians, double PhiRadians) Calculates a DIS entity's orientation quaternion from the provided Euler angles
Public Static bool GetLocalEulerAngles(byte[] otherParameters, out Orientation localRotation) Gets the local yaw, pitch, and roll from the other parameters structure. The yaw, pitch, and roll act on the entity's local North, East, Down vectors
Public Static bool GetLocalQuaternionAngles(byte[] otherParameters, out Quaternion localRotation) Gets the local entity orientation as a quaternion from the dead reckoning other parameters

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private static readonly double ALLOWABLE_FLOATING_POINT_ERROR = 1e-7

The minimum offset a floating point number can have to be approximately equal.

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private static readonly double MIN_ROTATION_RATE = 0.2 * Math.PI / 180

Minimum significant rotation rate = 1deg/5sec.

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public static dvec3 CalculateBodyDeadReckonedPosition
    dvec3 entityLocation,
    dvec3 entityLinearVelocity,
    dvec3 entityLinearAcceleration,
    dvec3 entityAngularVelocity,
    Orientation entityOrientation,
    float deltaTime

Calculates the new position vector using the given velocity, acceleration, and time increment given in body coordinates.

Parameter Description
entityLocation The initial position of the entity in body coordinates.
entityLinearVelocity The initial velocity in body coordinates.
entityLinearAcceleration The initial linear acceleration in body coordinates.
entityAngularVelocity The initial angular acceleration in body coordinates.
entityOrientation The orientation of the entity in radians.
deltaTime The time increment for dead reckoning calculation.
The position vector in body coordinates.

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public static Orientation CalculateDeadReckonedOrientation
    Orientation entityOrientation,
    dvec3 entityAngularVelocity,
    float deltaTime

Calculates the new orientation vector using the given velocity, acceleration, and time increment.

Parameter Description
entityOrientation The rotation about the Z axis in radians
entityAngularVelocity The rotation about the Y axis in radians
deltaTime The rotation about the X axis in radians
The dead reckoning orientation matrix based off the given Entity Orientation and Entity Angular Velocity.

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public static dvec3 CalculateDeadReckonedPosition
    dvec3 entityLocation,
    dvec3 entityLinearVelocity,
    dvec3 entityAcceleration,
    float deltaTime

Calculates the new position vector using the given velocity, acceleration, and time increment.

Parameter Description
entityLocation The initial position of the entity in world coordinates
entityLinearVelocity The initial velocity in world coordinates
entityAcceleration The initial acceleration in world coordinates
deltaTime The time increment for dead reckoning calculation
The calulated dead reckoned position.

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public static Orientation CalculateOrientationFromQuaternion
    dvec3 AngularVelocity,
    Quaternion localQuaternion,
    float deltaTime

Calculates the new position vector using the given velocity, acceleration, and time increment.

Parameter Description
AngularVelocity The Entity PDU being dead reckoned.
localQuaternion The Quaternion to convert into an Orientation (Psi, Theta, Phi).
deltaTime The time increment for dead reckoning calculation.
The OpenDIS Orientation.

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public static Quaternion CreateDeadReckoningQuaternion
    dvec3 AngularVelocityVector,
    double DeltaTime

Calculates and returns the dead reckoning quaternion used for calculating entity rotation.

Parameter Description
AngularVelocityVector The angular velocity vector in body coordinates
DeltaTime The time increment for dead reckoning calculations
The dead reckoning quaternion used for calculating entity rotation

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public static bool DeadReckoning
    EntityStatePdu EntityPduToDeadReckon,
    float DeltaTime,
    ref EntityStatePdu DeadReckonedPdu

Performs dead reckoning on the given Entity PDU.

Parameter Description
EntityPDUToDeadReckon The Entity State PDU to perform dead reckoning on
DeltaTime The time elapsed in seconds that dead reckoning should be calculated for
DeadReckonedPdu The resulting dead reckoned EntityStatePDU that contains all of the dead reckoning information
True if dead reckoning algorithm is supported and dead reckoning was performed. False otherwise.

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public static byte[] FormOtherParameters
    EDeadReckoningAlgorithm DeadReckoningAlgorithm,
    Orientation EntityPsiThetaPhiRadians,
    Vector3Double EntityECEFLocation

Forms the Other Parameters section utilized in Dead Reckoning Parameters.

Parameter Description
DeadReckoningAlgorithm The dead reckoning algorithm being used
EntityPsiThetaPhiRadians The Psi, Theta, Phi orientation of the entity
EntityECEFLocation The ECEF location of the entity
An array of 15 bytes representing the Other Parameters of the Dead Reckoning PDU

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public static dmat3 GetEntityOrientationMatrix
    Orientation entityOrientation

Calculates a DIS entity's orientation matrix from the provided Euler angles.

Parameter Description
entityOrientation The orientation of the entity in radians
Orientation matrix from the provided Euler angles of a DIS entity

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public static Quaternion GetEntityOrientationQuaternion
    double PsiRadians,
    double ThetaRadians,
    double PhiRadians

Calculates a DIS entity's orientation quaternion from the provided Euler angles.

Parameter Description
PsiRadians The rotation about the Z axis in radians
ThetaRadians The rotation about the Y axis in radians
PhiRadians The rotation about the X axis in radians
A DIS entity's orientation quaternion from the provided Euler angles

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public static bool GetLocalEulerAngles
    byte[] otherParameters,
    out Orientation localRotation

Gets the local yaw, pitch, and roll from the other parameters structure. The yaw, pitch, and roll act on the entity's local North, East, Down vectors.

Parameter Description
otherParameters The 120 bits sent as part of the dead reckoning parameters marked as other parameters sent as an array of bytes
localRotation The local yaw, pitch, and roll of the entity in radians. Yaw is the heading from true north, positive to the right. Pitch is the elevation angle above or below the local horizon, positive up. Roll is the bank angle from the local horizontal, positive tile to the right
False if OtherDeadReckoningParameters has a length less than 15 or the Dead Reckoning Parameter Type (OtherDeadReckoningParameters[0]) is not set to 1. True otherwise.

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public static bool GetLocalQuaternionAngles
    byte[] otherParameters,
    out Quaternion localRotation

Gets the local entity orientation as a quaternion from the dead reckoning other parameters.

Parameter Description
otherParameters The 120 bits sent as part of the dead reckoning parameters marked as other parameters sent as an array of bytes
localRotation The four-valued unit quaternion that represents the entity's orientation
False if OtherDeadReckoningParameters has a length less than 15 or the Dead Reckoning Parameter Type (OtherDeadReckoningParameters[0]) is not set to 2. True otherwise.

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