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Update docs node (#1446)
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schluis authored Oct 11, 2024
1 parent 960de36 commit 89c01c4
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Showing 5 changed files with 145 additions and 66 deletions.
39 changes: 38 additions & 1 deletion docs/framework/node.drawio
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,38 @@
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions docs/framework/node.drawio-dark.png
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions docs/framework/node.drawio-light.png
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3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions docs/framework/node.drawio.png

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163 changes: 101 additions & 62 deletions docs/framework/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,74 +1,113 @@
# Nodes

Nodes usually contain robotics code and are interchangeable components within cyclers.
Each node is characterized by a `cycle()` function which is called in each cycle.
The function gets node's inputs as parameters to the `cycle()` function and returns node's outputs from it.
In addition, nodes consist of a state which is perserved between cycles.
Each node is characterized by a `new()` function which is called once at creation and a `cycle()` function which is called in each cycle.
The function gets other node's inputs as parameters to the `cycle()` function and may compute an output from that.
In addition, nodes may contain a state which is preserved between cycles.

<figure markdown="span">

Nodes are normal Rust structs where the struct's fields represent the state and a method called `cycle()` in the `impl` of the node represents the `cycle()` function.
This concept allows to write nodes in a very Rusty way.
A node may have multiple inputs of different kinds which can be annotated to the node.
Here is an example node, but for more information see [Macros](./

pub struct SolePressureFilter { // (1)
left_sole_pressure: LowPassFilter<f32>,
right_sole_pressure: LowPassFilter<f32>,

#[node(control)] // (2)
#[parameter(path = low_pass_alpha, data_type = f32)] // (3)
#[input(path = sensor_data, data_type = SensorData)] // (4)
#[main_output(data_type = SolePressure)] // (5)
impl SolePressureFilter {} // (6)

impl SolePressureFilter {
fn new(context: NewContext) -> anyhow::Result<Self> { // (7)
Ok(Self {
left_sole_pressure: LowPassFilter::with_alpha(
*context.low_pass_alpha, // (8)
right_sole_pressure: LowPassFilter::with_alpha(

!!! example

use std::{collections::VecDeque, time::SystemTime};

use color_eyre::Result;
use context_attribute::context;
use framework::{MainOutput, PerceptionInput};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use types::{cycle_time::CycleTime, filtered_whistle::FilteredWhistle, whistle::Whistle};

#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct WhistleFilter { // (1)
detection_buffer: VecDeque<bool>,
was_detected_last_cycle: bool,
last_detection: Option<SystemTime>,

pub struct CreationContext {} // (2)

pub struct CycleContext { // (3)
buffer_length: Parameter<usize, "whistle_filter.buffer_length">, // (4)
minimum_detections: Parameter<usize, "whistle_filter.minimum_detections">,

cycle_time: Input<CycleTime, "cycle_time">, // (5)
detected_whistle: PerceptionInput<Whistle, "Audio", "detected_whistle">, // (6)

fn cycle(&mut self, context: CycleContext) -> anyhow::Result<MainOutputs> { // (9)
let force_sensitive_resistors =

let left_sole_pressure = force_sensitive_resistors.left.sum();
let right_sole_pressure = force_sensitive_resistors.right.sum();

Ok(MainOutputs {
sole_pressure: Some(SolePressure {
left: self.left_sole_pressure.state(),
right: self.right_sole_pressure.state(),
pub struct MainOutputs {
pub filtered_whistle: MainOutput<FilteredWhistle>,

1. Node's state
2. Node declaration with `node` [macro](./
3. Configuration parameter of type `f32`
4. Input of type `SensorData`
5. Output of type `SolePressure`
6. Empty `impl` to improve usability of language servers and code linters. If the node declaration would be attached to the `impl` below, when writing incomplete code, the macros would produce errors. This happens a lot if writing node implementation code.
7. Will be called at construction of the node
8. Use declared configuration parameter. Since it is a reference, we need to dereference it with `*`.
9. Will be called every cycle

This node consumes the type `SensorData` as input and produces the output `SolePressure`.
It has two state variables `left_sole_pressure` and `right_sole_pressure`.

This specification of node inputs and outputs leads to a dependency graph which allows to topologically sort nodes s.t. all dependencies are met before executing the node's `cycle()`.

impl WhistleFilter {
pub fn new(_context: CreationContext) -> Result<Self> { // (7)
Ok(Self {
detection_buffer: Default::default(),
was_detected_last_cycle: false,
last_detection: None,

pub fn cycle(&mut self, context: CycleContext) -> Result<MainOutputs> { // (9)
let cycle_start_time = context.cycle_time.start_time;

for &is_detected in context
.flat_map(|whistle| &whistle.is_detected)
self.detection_buffer.truncate(*context.buffer_length); // (8)
let number_of_detections = self
.filter(|&&was_detected| was_detected)
let is_detected = number_of_detections > *context.minimum_detections;
let started_this_cycle = is_detected && !self.was_detected_last_cycle;
if started_this_cycle {
self.last_detection = Some(cycle_start_time);
self.was_detected_last_cycle = is_detected;

Ok(MainOutputs {
filtered_whistle: FilteredWhistle {
last_detection: self.last_detection,

1. Node's state
2. Creation context. Its contents are available in the `new(context: CreationContext) -> Result<Self>` function
3. Cycle context. Its contents are available in the `cycle(&mut self, context: CycleContext) -> Result<MainOutputs>` function
4. Parameter from the `default.json`. Can be changed during runtime by e.g. using [twix](../tooling/
5. Input from another node of type `CycleTime`.
6. Input from another node, but with persistent and transient data.
7. Will be called at construction of the node
8. Use declared configuration parameter. Since it is a reference, we need to dereference it with `*`.
9. Will be called every cycle

This node consumes the types `CycleTime` and `Whistle` as inputs and produces the output `FilteredWhistle`.
It has three state variables; `detection_buffer`, `was_detected_last_cycle` and `last_detection`.

The specification of node inputs and outputs leads to a dependency graph which allows to topologically sort nodes s.t. all dependencies are met before executing the node's `cycle()`.
The `` file automatically sorts nodes based on this graph.

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