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Bui Thi Mai Anh edited this page Sep 27, 2019 · 1 revision

Model 4 is formed by adding vectors to the Model 3

"Model 4 = Model 3 + vectors"
KendrickModel SIRDemography
	attribute: #(status -> S I R);
	parameters: #(beta lambda gamma b mu);
	transitions: #(
		S -- lambda --> I.
		I -- gamma --> R.
		status -- mu --> Empty.
		Empty -- b --> S.
	lambda: #(beta*I/N).
KendrickModel AgeStructure
	attribute: #(age -> J A);
	parameters: #(m);
	transitions: #(
		J -- m --> A.
"Host: H, Vector: V"
KendrickModel Species
	attribute: #(species -> H V).
Composition Model4
	model: 'SIRDemography';
	model: 'AgeStructure';
	model: 'Species'.
Scenario M4Parameters
	 on: 'Model4';
	 populationSize: 100;
    beta_species_age: #(
		#(#(0.1 0.01) #(0.01 0.01))
		#(#(0.01 0.1) #(0.06 0.06))
    gamma_species: {1/30. 1/20}; 
	 mu_age: {0.01. 0.0025};
	 m: 0.02;
	 b_species_age: #(#(0.005 0) #(0 0.05));
	 lambda: #(beta*I_species/N sum);
	 S_species_age: #(#(30 60) #(1 300));
	 I_species_age: #(#(4 6) #(0 0)).
Simulation M4Sim rungeKutta
	scenarios: #(M4Parameters);
	from: 0.0; 
	to: 730; 
	step: 1.
Visualization M4Vis diagram 
	for: 'M4Sim';
	data: #(I_species);
	xLabel: 'Time (days)';

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