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Example 4.4: Model 4 SEIRS MultiSpecies Spatial Model with quarantine strategy
As same as the model expressed in the Example 4. But in this example, we consider the quarantine strategy to restrict the travel of infectious individuals.
The SEIRS model with quarantine is formulated as below:
Here, the quarantine concern will be specified as a dependent concern of the SEIR concern.
QuarantineConcern := KEConcern dependOn: SEIRConcern.
QuarantineConcern addStatus: #(Q).
QuarantineConcern addTransitionFrom: { #status->#I } to: { #status->#Q } probability: 'delta'.
QuarantineConcern addTransitionFrom: { #status->#Q } to: { #status->#R } probability: 'epsilon'.
QuarantineConcern addTransitionFrom: { #status->#Q } to: #empty probability: 'mu'.
QuarantineConcern addParameters: { #delta. #epsilon }.
QuarantineConcern addParameter: #lambda value: 'beta*I/(N-Q)'.
When adding such concerns to the model, aside from the interactions introduced in the Example 4, it should note that the individuals belonging to the quarantine class are not allowed to move between patches.
model atParameter: #rho assignValue: [ :aModel| |c val|
c := aModel currentCompartment at: #species.
c = #bird ifTrue: [ val := 0.1 ].
c = #human ifTrue: [ val := 0.03 ].
c := aModel currentCompartment at: #status.
(c = #Q) ifTrue: [ val := 0 ].
We will reuse the definition of: SEIRS, spatial, multi-species concerns which are introduced in the Example 4.
Because of the restriction of travel of infectious individuals, the total number of infectious in each species reduces.
The script of the model:
| model SEIRConcern SEIRSConcern QuarantineConcern multiHostConcern spatialConcern simulator dB f|
model := KEModel new.
model population: (KEPopulation size: 27500).
SEIRConcern := KEModelPart new.
SEIRConcern attributes: {#status->#(#S #E #I #R)}.
SEIRConcern addParameters: { #beta. #gamma. #mu. #sigma}.
SEIRConcern addParameter: #lambda value: 'beta*I/N'.
SEIRConcern addEquations: {
'S:t=mu*N - lambda*S - mu*S'.
'E:t=lambda*S - sigma*E - mu*E'.
'I:t=sigma*E - gamma*I - mu*I'.
'R:t=gamma*I - mu*R'
SEIRSConcern := KEModelPart dependOn: SEIRConcern.
SEIRSConcern addTransitionFrom: { #status->#R } to: { #status->#S } probability: 'nu'.
SEIRSConcern addParameter: #nu.
QuarantineConcern := KEModelPart dependOn: SEIRConcern.
QuarantineConcern addStatus: #(Q).
QuarantineConcern addTransitionFrom: { #status->#I } to: { #status->#Q } probability: 'delta'.
QuarantineConcern addTransitionFrom: { #status->#Q } to: { #status->#R } probability: 'epsilon'.
QuarantineConcern addTransitionFrom: { #status->#Q } to: #empty probability: 'mu'.
QuarantineConcern addParameters: { #delta. #epsilon }.
QuarantineConcern addParameter: #lambda value: 'beta*I/(N-Q)'.
multiHostConcern := KEModelPart new.
multiHostConcern addAttribute: #species value: #(#human #bird).
spatialConcern := KEModelPart new.
spatialConcern addAttribute: #patch value: (1 to: 5) asArray.
spatialConcern addParameter: #rho.
(1 to: 5) do: [ :i|
(i < 5)
ifTrue: [
addTransitionFrom: { #patch->i }
to: { #patch->(i+1) }
probability: [ :aModel| aModel atParameter: #rho ].
ifFalse: [
addTransitionFrom: { #patch->i }
to: { #patch->1 }
probability: [ :aModel| aModel atParameter: #rho ].
model integrate: SEIRConcern.
model integrate: SEIRSConcern.
model integrate: QuarantineConcern.
model integrate: spatialConcern.
model integrate: multiHostConcern.
model addParameter: #beta value: [ :aModel| |c val|
c := aModel currentCompartment at: #species.
c = #human ifTrue: [ val := #(0 0.21) ].
c = #bird ifTrue: [ val := #(0 0.42) ].
model atParameter: #lambda assignValue: [ :aModel| |c|
c := aModel currentCompartment at: #patch.
((aModel atParameter: #beta) *
(aModel atCompartment: {#status->#I. #patch->c}) / ((aModel atParameter: #N)-(aModel atCompartment: {#status->#Q. #patch->c}))) sum.
model atParameter: #gamma assignValue: [ :aModel| |c val|
c := aModel currentCompartment at: #species.
c = #human ifTrue: [ val := 0.25 ].
c = #bird ifTrue: [ val := 0.233 ].
val ].
model atParameter: #sigma assignValue: [ :aModel| |c val|
c := aModel currentCompartment at: #species.
c = #human ifTrue: [ val := 0.5 ].
c = #bird ifTrue: [ val := 0.67 ].
val ].
model atParameter: #mu assignValue: [ :aModel| |c val|
c := aModel currentCompartment at: #species.
c = #human ifTrue: [ val := 0.0000365 ].
c = #bird ifTrue: [ val := 0.00137 ].
val ].
model atParameter: #N assignValue: [ :aModel| |c|
c := OrderedCollection new.
c add: (aModel currentCompartment at: #patch).
c add: (aModel currentCompartment at: #species).
aModel sizeOfPopulation: (c asArray)
model atParameter: #nu assignValue: 0.00274.
model atParameter: #delta assignValue: [ :aModel| |c val|
c := aModel currentCompartment at: #species.
c = #human ifTrue: [ val := 0.068 ].
c = #bird ifTrue: [ val := 0.055 ].
val ].
model atParameter: #epsilon assignValue: [ :aModel| |c val|
c := aModel currentCompartment at: #species.
c = #human ifTrue: [ val := 0.096 ].
c = #bird ifTrue: [ val := 0.082 ].
val ].
model atParameter: #rho assignValue: [ :aModel| |c val|
c := aModel currentCompartment at: #species.
c = #bird ifTrue: [ val := 0.1 ].
c = #human ifTrue: [ val := 0.03 ].
c := aModel currentCompartment at: #status.
(c = #Q) ifTrue: [ val := 0 ].
atCompartment: { #status->#S. #species->#bird. #patch->1 }
put: 4990
atOthersPut: 0.
atCompartment: { #status->#I. #species->#bird. #patch->1 }
put: 10.
2 to: 5 do: [ :i|
atCompartment: { #status->#S. #species->#bird. #patch->i }
put: 5000.
1 to: 5 do: [ :i|
atCompartment: { #status->#S. #species->#human. #patch->i }
put: 500
simulator := KESimulator new: #RungeKutta from: 0.0 to: 500 step: 1.
simulator executeOn: model.
dB := KEDiagramBuilder new.
f := [:name| |d tmp|
tmp := (simulator timeSeriesOutputsAt: name) collect: [ :e| e value ].
d := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: tmp first data size do: [ :k| d add: (tmp collect: [:e| e data at: k]) sum ].
(KETimeSeries from: d withIndex: tmp first index) compartment: (STON fromString: name)
dB data: {
(f value: '{#status:#I,#species:#bird}').
(f value: '{#status: #I, #species: #human}') }.
dB xLabel: 'Time (days)'.
dB legendTitle: 'Total of infectious'.
dB legends: { 'birds'. 'humans' }.
dB open.
KendrickModel SEIRS
attribute: #(status -> S E I R);
parameters: #(beta lambda gamma mu sigma nu);
lambda: #(beta*I/N);
transitions: #(
S -- lambda --> E.
E -- sigma --> I.
I -- gamma --> R.
R -- nu --> S.
status -- mu --> Empty.
Empty -- mu --> S.).
KendrickModel MultiSpecies
attribute: #(species -> human bird).
Map IndoChina
for: #(country -> Thailand Laos Vietnam Cambodia MyanmarBurma);
borders: #(
#(0 1 0 1 1)
#(1 0 1 1 1)
#(0 1 0 1 0)
#(1 1 1 0 0)
#(1 1 0 0 0)).
KendrickModel Spatial
maps: 'IndoChina';
withTransitionRate: #(rho).
KendrickModel SEIRSQ
extends: 'SEIRS';
parameters: #(delta epsilon);
addStatus: #(Q);
addTransition: #(I -- delta --> Q.);
addTransition: #(Q -- epsilon --> R.);
addTransition: #(Q -- mu --> Empty.);
lambda: #(beta*I/(N-Q)).
Composition Influenza
model: 'SEIRSQ';
model: 'MultiSpecies';
model: 'Spatial'.
Scenario Scr1
on: 'Influenza';
populationSize: 27500;
mu_species: #(0.000365 0.00137);
beta_species: #(#(0 0.21) #(0 0.42));
gamma_species: #(0.25 0.233);
sigma_species: #(0.5 0.67);
nu: 0.00274;
rho_species_Q: #(0.03 0.1 0);
lambda: #(beta*(I_patch/(N-Q_patch)) sum);
delta_species: #(0.068 0.055);
epsilon_species: #(0.096 0.082);
N: #(patch_species);
S_species_patch: #(#(500 500 500 500 500) #(4990 5000 5000 5000 5000));
I_species_patch: #(#(0 0 0 0 0) #(10 0 0 0 0)).
Simulation InfluenzaSim rungeKutta
scenario: 'Scr1';
from: 0;
to: 500;
step: 1.
Visualization InfluenzaViz diagram
for: 'InfluenzaSim';
data: #(I_species);
legendTitle: 'Infectious';
legends: #('humans' 'birds');
xLabel: 'Time (days)';