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Example 4.2: Model 2 SEIRS MultiSpecies

Bui Thi Mai Anh edited this page Jul 6, 2018 · 2 revisions

Model 2 is created by composing the SEIRS concern and the multi-species concern.

KendrickModel SEIRS
    attribute: #(status -> S E I R);
    parameters: #(beta lambda gamma mu sigma nu);
    lambda: #(beta*I/N);
    transitions: #(
        S -- lambda --> E.
        E -- sigma --> I.
        I -- gamma --> R.
        R -- nu --> S.
        status -- mu --> Empty.
        Empty -- mu --> S.).

KendrickModel MultiSpecies
    attribute: #(species -> human bird).

Composition SEIRSInfluenza
    model: 'SEIRS';
    model: 'MultiSpecies'.

Scenario Scr1
    on: 'Influenza';
    populationSize: 5500;
    mu_species: #(0.000365 0.00137);
    beta_species: #(#(0 0.21) #(0 0.42));
    gamma_species: #(0.25 0.233);
    sigma_species: #(0.5 0.67);
    nu: 0.00274;
    lambda: #(beta*I/N sum);
    N: #(species);
    S_species: #(500 4990);
    I_species: #(0 10).

Simulation InfluenzaSim rungeKutta
    scenario: 'Scr1';
    from: 0;
    to: 500;
    step: 1.

Visualization InfluenzaViz diagram
    for: 'InfluenzaSim';
    data: #(I_species);
    legendTitle: 'Infectious';
    legends: #('humans' 'birds');
    xLabel: 'Time (days)';

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