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Even lower latency: PipeWire settings

NelloKudo edited this page Oct 20, 2023 · 1 revision

Thanks to gonX's low-latency audio patch, it is possible to get even lower latency than the one the game defaults to after changing some settings in PipeWire.

Changing PipeWire settings

First of all, create a copy of PipeWire's default settings:

mkdir -p ~/.config/pipewire && cp -rv /usr/share/pipewire/* ~/.config/pipewire/ 

Now edit the pipewire-pulse.conf file in that folder:

nano ~/.config/pipewire/pipewire-pulse.conf

Here, you might want to push your latency as far as possible: starting from 256, try to find the closest value to 32 which makes your sound stable/not cracking. It pretty much depends on your config, there's not a default value!

I highly recommend starting from 128/64, I'll use 64. Uncomment the following lines under

pulse.min.req          = 64/48000
pulse.min.quantum      = 64/48000

Save with CTRL+O and exit with CTRL+X. It should look like this:

Testing settings

After changing PipeWire's config, either restart it or reboot:

systemctl --user restart pipewire pipewire-pulse

Then launch osu! and run the following:


If among that bunch of options, osu! is running at the quants you've set in config, then you're good to go!
