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jianbriggs edited this page May 25, 2021 · 3 revisions

Chest shops are an easy scam-proof way of buying things in MCAtlas,

How to Create a Chest Shop​:

Place a chest for your Chest Shop Lock your chest with a [Private] sign

  1. Place another sign above or on the chest

  2. On the first line of the sign, type in "[buy]" (case-insensitive, without quotes).

  3. On the third line of the sign, type in the format "X for $Y", where X is the quantity and Y is the price. For example, "5 for $8" means five of the item for eight gold.

  4. If the sign is formatted correctly, the first line will turn purple, a white ? appears on the second line, and your username will appear on the fourth line in dark blue

  5. Next, place the item you want to sell in your hand.

  6. With item in hand, right-click on your newly created sign. The white ? on the second line will now read the name of your item. If your item has a custom name, such as a written book, it will display that instead. Place all items to sell in the chest.

Done! Here's an example of a chest shop:

A [buy] sign does not lock your chest. Use a [private] sign to ensure people cannot open your Chest Shop chest! (You can create one by right clicking it with a sign without crouching!)

How to Buy from a Chest Shop​

  1. Find a shop to buy from (make sure you have enough gold and free space for the item!)
  2. Right-click on the shop sign.
  3. You will see the message "Shop selected" in chat, and a scoreboard display to the right of your screen.
  4. Carefully review the item, attributes, pricing, etc. listed in the display.
  5. Right-click the sign again to complete your purchase.
  6. Continue to right-click the sign to make additional purchases.


  • Each player gets a ledger which stores any gold made by your shop(s).
  • Any gold in your ledger will expire after 45 days of being unclaimed. Make sure you withdraw all of it before then!
  • We do not allow using Chest Shop ledgers for mass storage of gold.
  • You can not deposit gold into your ledger, only withdraw.


  • /shop - Base command. Run this in-game to see a list of all available commands.
  • /shop balance - View your ledger balance.
  • /shop top - View top ten highest-earning players on the server.
  • /shop view recent - View ten most recent transactions for a shop. You will need to select (right-click) a shop you own first.
  • /shop withdraw - Withdraws all money from your ledger.
  • /shop withdraw {amount} - Withdraws a specified amount of money from your ledger.


  • Shulker Boxes containing items may not be sold. Empty Shulker Boxes, however, are allowed to be sold.
  • For technical reasons, dyed leather armor will not display the color name
  • While you may set your prices at any value, the maximum possible price is $2304 (max stacks in every inventory slot)
  • Currently, you may not set the quantity of an item greater than that item's maximum stack (Eg. a dirt block's maximum stack is 64.) The Chest shop will correct any invalid quantity automatically
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