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windows_virus edited this page Feb 20, 2021 · 13 revisions

How does it work?

As a Mayor, you are able to set town permissions. This can change permissions for residents, allies, and outsiders wether you would allow them to build, destroy, switch, or use items.

What is the command to change permissions?

To set the permissions, use the command, /t set perm (resident/nation/ally/outsider) (build/destroy/switch/itemuse) (on/off).

These same permissions can be changed for a single plot instead of the whole town, by simply swapping /t with /plot .

What does enabling/disabling each option do?

Enabling building, allows the players to place blocks.

Enabling destroying, allows players to destroy blocks.

Enabling switch, allows players to use levers.

Enabling itemuse, allows players to open and closed things such as doors, trapdoors, gates, etc.

What are the different classes of players.

Residents are players who are currently with in your town.

Nation are players who are currently in your nation.

Allies are people who you have trusted to join forces and ally with.

Outsiders are people who are not residents, neither allies, but random players.

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