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Drew edited this page Feb 14, 2020 · 15 revisions

Town Ranks Overview

In your town, you can promote players to town ranks. To add or remove players to ranks, use the command /t rank add/remove (playername) (rank). There are a total of four town roles excluding the mayor: CoMayor, Assistant, Landlord, and Trusted.

To change the mayor, use the command /t set mayor (playername)(you can not get mayor back unless given by new mayor).

Rank Permissions


  • Has all Town related abilities.


  • Has the same abilities as the mayor.


The Assistant Town role has the following abilities:

  • Can withdraw from Town bank.
  • Can promote players to Landlord/Trusted.
  • Can do any /town toggle command.
  • + Landlord and Trusted abilities.


The Landlord town role has the following abilities:

  • Can place/use any plot in the Town.
  • Can do any /plot command.
  • Can claim land.
  • + VIP abilities.


The Trusted town role has the following abilities:

  • Can place/use in any plot in the Town that is not owned by someone.
  • Can invite players.
  • Can outlaw players.
  • Tax exempt.
  • + Default abilities.


  • Can do all /resident related commands.
  • Can claim and unclaim a plot they own.
  • Can set owned plots for sale or not for sale.
  • Can set perms in their own plot and can do all /plot toggle commands.
  • Can leave their town, deposit gold into their town and teleport to their town & that of allies.
  • Can use town chat and see who is online in their town.