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Test Plan for Customer Sensor Component
- Framework: JUnit 4
- _Objects Used: CustomerSensorComponent, InteractionComponent, Entity (mocked), CustomerComponent (mocked), Non-Customer Entity (mocked)
Customer Sensor Component Initialisation
Purpose: To verify that the CustomerSensorComponent is properly initialised and its interaction component is correctly set up. Expected Results: CustomerSensorComponent, its InteractionComponent, and its fixture should not be null after creation. The fixture should be the same as the entity's created fixture. -
Entity Initialisation Purpose: To verify that the entity is correctly initialised with the InteractionComponent and that its fixture is properly configured. Expected Results: The fixture for the InteractionComponent should not be null. The fixture should be a part of the PLAYER physics layer.
Update Docket Textures Purpose: To verify that the Docket updates its textures correctly based on the remaining recipe time. Expected Results: When paused, the texture should not change regardless of time updates. When resumed, the texture should update appropriately based on the remaining time: Remaining time = 1.5s → First texture. Remaining time = 0.3s → Second texture. Remaining time = 1s, total recipe time = 10s → Third texture. Remaining time < 0 → Final texture.
Set and Get Recipe Time Purpose: To verify that the recipe time is correctly set and retrieved. Expected Results: Before colliding with a customer, the closest customer object should be null. After colliding with a customer within range, there should be one value inside the collidingFixtures variable.
Detecting Closest Customer Purpose: To verify that the closest customer is returned when calling getClosestCustomer(). Expected Results: After colliding with a customer, the closest customer object should not be null. The closest customer object should be the one that is physically closest to the player.
Not Detecting Distant Customers Purpose: To verify that customers out of range are not added to the list and cannot be interacted with. Expected Results: After colliding with a customer who is out of range, the closest customer object should remain null.
Not Detecting Non-Customer Entities Purpose: To ensure that only customer entities are detected and non-customer entities (e.g., other game objects or NPCs not marked as customers) are ignored by the sensor. Expected Results: After colliding with a non-customer entity, the closest customer object should remain null.
Removing a Customer After Collision Ends Purpose: To verify that after the player moves out of range of a customer, the customer is removed from the list of colliding fixtures, and the player can no longer interact with them. Expected Results: After moving out of range of a previously detected customer, the closest customer object should be null.
Handling Multiple Customers Purpose: To verify that when multiple customers are within range, the closest customer is always correctly identified and returned by the CustomerSensorComponent. Expected Results: After colliding with multiple customers, the closest customer object should always be the one closest to the player. Moving closer to a different customer should update the closest customer object accordingly.
Inventory System
Scoring System
Food Recipes
Level System
Player Actions
Ordering System
Map Design
Pause Menu
End of Day Display
Day Night Cycle
Moral System
Debug Terminal
Game Interactions Tutorial
Backstory Cutscenes
Entities and Components
Input Handling
Game Screens and Areas
Fire Extinguisher Handler Component
MainGameActions Create Docket Triggers
Main Game Order Button Display
BackstoryCutsceneDisplay Test Plan
Test Plan for MainGameOrderTicketDisplay
Test Plan for MainGameOrderBtnDisplay
Test Plan for DocketLineDisplay
Test plan for RandomComboService
Test plan for SpeedBoostUpgrade
Test plan for DancePartyUpgrade