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Options panel growable options

algernon-A edited this page Feb 20, 2021 · 2 revisions

This is a description of the functionality provided by the 'Growable options' tab of the mod's options panel, selectable through the in-game options menu.

Growable options panel screenshot

Instantly plop growable buildings (no construction)

With this option selected, when the player manually places ('plops') a relevant growable building (either from the Ploppable RICO panel or by using another mod such as Find It), that building will be immediately placed fully-formed in its final state, without having to go through the 'construction' animation.

  • All RICO buildings (enabled by default): includes all Ploppable RICO Buildings with the 'growable' option set (note that Ploppable RICO buildings without the growable option will always be immediately plopped and won't go through a construction phase).
  • Non-RICO growable buildings (enabled by default): applies to all growable buildings that AREN'T Ploppable RICO buildings.

Growable buildings can survive outside of the correct zone

This provides the ability for relevant growable buildings to surivive outside of their (normally required) zone type. Normally, buildings placed outside of the correct zone (e.g. a residential building in a commercial zone), or outside any zone at all, will suddently 'despawn' (be removed by the game); this option disables that behaviour. Note that this option won't make buildings spawn by themselves outside of the relevant zones.

  • All RICO buildings (enabled by default): includes all Ploppable RICO Buildings with the 'growable' option set (note that Ploppable RICO buildings without the growable option will always survive outside of the correct zone).
  • Non-RICO growable buildings (enabled by default): applies to all growable buildings that AREN'T Ploppable RICO buildings.

Growable buildings can survive without required district specializations

This is similar to the above option, but applies to specialized building types (eco residential, eco/leisure/tourist commercial, IT cluster office, or farming/forestry/oil/ore industry). Normally, these buildings can't survive outside of a district marked with the relevant specialisation - this option disables that behaviour and will let these buildings survive anywhere. Note that this option won't make buildings spawn by themselves outside of districts marked with the relevant specialisation.

  • All RICO buildings (enabled by default): includes all Ploppable RICO Buildings with the 'growable' option set (note that Ploppable RICO buildings without the growable option will always survive without the relevant district specialisation).
  • Non-RICO growable buildings (enabled by default): applies to all growable buildings that AREN'T Ploppable RICO buildings.

Make all plopped growables historical

This provides the ability to mark all buildings manually placed by the player (either from the Ploppable RICO panel or by using another mod such as Find It) with the game's 'make historical' option (which prevents the building from changing appearance when it upgrades to the next level). Note that this setting only applies to newly-placed buildings, and doesn't affect buildings that have already been placed.

  • All RICO buildings (disabled by default): includes all Ploppable RICO Buildings.
  • Non-RICO growable buildings (disabled by default): applies to all growable buildings that AREN'T Ploppable RICO buildings.

Lock plopped growables levels using Advanced Building Level Control (version 2.4)

This option works with the Advanced Building Level Control mod to lock the building level of plopped growables (preventing them from levelling up). Note that this option is not retroactive; buildings plopped when this option is disabled will not have their levels controlled when the option is subsequently enabled.

The use of this function requires (obviously) the Advanced Building Level Control mod. Once plopped, each building's levelling settings can be changed using Advanced Building Level Control.