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Chris Oelmueller edited this page Feb 19, 2013 · 1 revision

Looking for your mentor? Need advice with a particular part of our codebase or community? Check out Who is who!

Below: information for our mentors.

How much time is required to participate as a mentor in Google Summer of Code?

While the answer to this question will vary widely depending on the number of students a mentor works with, the difficulty of the proposals, and the skill level of the students, most mentors have let us know that they underestimated the amount of time they would need to invest in GSoC. Five hours per student per week is a reasonable estimate.

Google does not have specific eligibility requirements for mentors, as we know our mentoring organizations will be best able to determine the selection criteria for their mentors.

Note that in 2013, mentors have to be of age 18+ as opposed to earlier GSoC instances!

Mentor guide

This whole book is very interesting. we especially recommend the following excerpts:

Possible Mentors

None so far. Volunteer as mentor and help students code awesome stuff this summer!

Home > GSoC > 2013

[Timeline] (Timeline-2013)
[Application] (Application-2013)
[Ideas] (Ideas-2013)
[Mentors] (Mentors-2013)
[How to apply] (Steps-to-apply-2013)
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