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ChrisOelmueller edited this page Feb 16, 2013 · 1 revision

Ideas and topics that will be discussed at the next meeting.


Every Sunday 5PM / 17:00 UTC+0

Check your time difference here: [This links the current time in UTC.] (

Your first meeting?

Here are a few tips for your first weekly development meeting:

  • The meetings are open for anyone, we need your ideas and input!
  • Please focus on the important things and stick to the current topic
  • Use #info to make annotations
  • If have nothing more to add to a topic, please write <> (so the moderation knows it's time to move on)
  • Please add the topics you want to discuss to this page in advance

If you have questions or suggestions about the general development process and progress, feel free to talk about it in the hallway chat (at the end of each meeting).


Status update and hallway chat

  • Keep it short, it's for letting people what's going on, not what the details of that are.
  • Use #info for summaries, #action (including a nick) to assign what this nick will work on and #help if you need help with a certain ticket / part of code.
  • Check which of the updates might be worthy of a blog post and find an author for it. If there are no volunteers, take the set of team members and do a round robin.

General development discussion

  • Monthly topic used to compare release plans with the actual work being done
  • Kept abstract and generic, details of features are not part of this topic
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