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Onboarding Agency

Christian Dangl edited this page Jun 7, 2023 · 6 revisions


We know how it is, if you want to install a payment plugin when developing a shop, but's not running that smooth! And so we did our best to offer you an amazing experience with a plugin that simply does what it should, and also offers you a great development experience!

Here is a short guide to get you onboarded:

1. Mollie Account

First you need your own Mollie Account.

Go to Mollie to create your account.

This should not take a lot of time and you should already be able to test the plugin, while your account is being verified.

2. Install Plugin

First, please start with the installation of the plugin.

There are different ways to do this. The most convenient ones for you would be the installation from the list of official release or as a composer package.

3. Configure API Keys

It's time to configure your plugin to make it work in your shop.

The plugin will create new payment methods that can be used like any other payment methods.

Please keep in mind, that you can only use Mollie payment methods in Shopware, that are unlocked and enabled in your Mollie Dashboard too!

Now configure your LIVE or TEST API keys in the plugin configuration along with a correct "test mode" or "live mode" that you need in this shop.

4. Configure Payment Methods

In Shopware 6, you have to activate payment methods, and also assign them to your Sales Channels. Once you do this, you should be able to see your Mollie Payment methods in your shop.

5. Start Testing

Mollie provides a simple Sandbox mode to start testing. Open the plugin configuration and enable the "Test Mode" for your Sales Channel.

If you now start a payment in your shop, you should already see the sandbox page, where you can easily decide what should happen in your test scenario.

If you run your tests on a local system. Please note that "localhost" is not supported by Mollie. Please create a custom domain e.g. with your local /etc/hosts file, also add it to the domains of your Shopware sales channel, and use this one in your browser.

6. Receiving Status Updates from Mollie

Mollie notifies your shop about payment status updates. This means Mollie needs to be able to communicate with your Shopware 6 shop.

There is not a lot that you need to do, if you are already live. If you are still in a staging environment with your shop, you might need to allow Mollie to access it.

Please read more here: Required Webhooks

If you are developing locally, please see our advanced setup below to learn how to easily receive webhooks on your local machine.

7. Advanced Setups

1. Receive Webhooks locally

If you want to receive Mollie webhooks locally on your developer machine, please read our separate guide on this: Local Webhooks

2. Apple Pay Direct locally

If you develop Apple Pay Direct features for your customer, you can fully test this on your local machine. Please read our separate guide on this: Apple Pay Direct Development

3. Subscriptions locally

If you develop subscription features for your customer, you can fully test this on your local machine. Please read our separate guide on this: Subscription Development

4. Use Dev-Fixtures

We have provided a couple of development fixtures for you. This is fully optional, but helps if you want to get started in a fast way. It though requires this plugin to be installed as well:

Once ready, just run this command to install all fixtures, or a handful of them. Please note, you need the development dependencies to be installed first.

make dev
make fixtures

Congratulations, you should now see all kinds of products in your Shopware shop.

If you only want to install a few of the fixtures, feel free to use these commands directly

# activates and assigns payment methods for your Sales Channels
php bin/console fixture:load:group mollie-setup

# Installs demo data such as categories, products and users
php bin/console fixture:load:group mollie-demodata

5. Swagger for Storefront and Headless

If you want to develop and test API requests and response in an easy way, then we have prepared a custom Swagger project in our "Tests" folder. This comes with an easy to use docker-compose.yml file (just check out the makefile in this folder).

The Swagger page contains 2 views, 1 for the Storefront and API and 1 for Headless integrations. We did try to add everything that might be related to things you would usually test, and also added instructions and setup guides on these pages.

You can of course also use other API calls that are not integrated on this page (this ist just a sample for typical cases).

You should be able to start using the Shopware API within 2 minutes if you already have Docker installed.

6. Storefront Artifacts

If you want to use the Shopware default Javascript artifacts, please see this page: Development Artifacs

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