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Stas Tserkovny edited this page Jan 2, 2021 · 1 revision

For representing all the aspects of a spell, primarily for the purposes of engaging with the Sorcery skill.

Primary Fields

  • Obstacle: Determines the base obstacle against which sorcery tests are made. Sorcery tests made from the character sheet are made against this obstacle instead of the one in the GM controlled Obstacle panel.
  • Up Spell: A toggle for displaying the visual indicator that the spell has an increased effect for exceeding the base spell obstacle.
  • Variable Ob: A toggle to enable the obstacle to be defined as something more abstract than a single number. Changes the Obstacle input to be a text field instead of a numeric input.
  • Origin, Area of Effect, Element, Impetus, and Duration: informational inputs describing the various aspects of a spell to be cast.
  • Resource Point Cost: useful during character burning when spending resource points on spells for a new character.
  • In Practicals: A toggle enabling the practicals mechanic on the spell, part of the process of learning a new spell.
  • Description: as with all other items, the bottom of the item sheet is filled by a text area for writing the miscellaneous rules text regarding the flavor and function of the spell.

Spells as a Weapon

When the "Is a Weapon" toggle is enabled, an extra set of inputs is revealed.

  • Will Bonus: Spell damage is typically keyed off of willpower. This number is added to the spellcaster's will bonus to calculate the spell's IMS.
  • Vs. Armor: Describes the armor penetration of the spell.
  • Weapon Length: As per the Fight rules for weapon lengths.
  • Optimal/Extreme/Max Range: As per the Range and Cover weapon ranges.
  • I/M/S: The derived IMS of the spell
  • Half Will: When enabled, spell damage is calculated off of half the will exponent instead of the full amount.