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Connor Ryan edited this page Aug 4, 2022 · 48 revisions

Atlantis Sinks!

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Here is the objective of the game.

You are a Survivor and your goal is to survive long enough to uncover the mystery of who sunk Atlantis.


Win Condition

To win this game your goal is to uncover who sunk Atlantis, you will fail if you do not uncover the traitor in time!

  • Time limit will change as a difficulty modifier
  • Clues could be randomly created to help point out the traitor
  • Survival is dependant on .....
  • Exile NPCs to call out traitor,

The right choice confirms victory The wrong choice then maybe game gets harder as you have less people, the bad guy maybe gains new ways to mess with the player too

  • Two endings

Victory Failure

  • Interact with items (Will be used to gather clues)

Plan to sink atlantis as an item? Might have indicator on it pointing towards the traitor

A recommended starting place is Getting Started.

Game Engine Links:

Table of Contents


Game Design

User survey

Sprint 4

Eviction Menu and Win/lose Logic: Polishing tasks (Team 7)

Button Sounds and Ending Menu improve (Team 3)

Sound effect and Fixing the clue bug (Team 6)

Improvement of Enemy and Attack (Team 1)

Add Features When The Player Get Attacked and Overall UI Improvement (Team 8)

Sprint 1

Achievement System (Team 2)

Player Eviction Menu (Team 7)

Countdown Clock (Team 4)

Music (Team3)

Map (Team6)

Sprint 2

Player Eviction Menu (Team 7)

Character Design & Animation (Team 1)

Music (Team 3)

Inventory System and Consumables Items (Team 8)

Scenario design

Achievement System(team 2)

Storyline (Team 5)

Countdown Clock (Team 4)

Sprint 3

Ending Menu (Team 3)

NPC interaction (Team 2)

Win/lose Condition (Based on Eviction Menu) (Team 7)

Player Profile (Team 4)

Game Logo (Team 8)

Clue storage (Team 6)

Enemy Design and Attack (Team 1)

Scenario design for village(Team5)

Game design
Entities and Components

Service Locator

Loading Resources


Unit Testing

Debug Terminal

Input Handling






Game Screens and Areas


Concurrency & Threading



MacOS Setup Guide

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