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ADRV9002 Platform Prequisites

skravats edited this page Sep 14, 2023 · 10 revisions

A Linux host running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is required to build the Bootloader, Linux Kernel & Linux Device Tree. A Virtual Machine (VM) is provided to the reader for this purpose. For convenience, the VM also includes the Quartus and SoC EDS development tools.

Micro SD Card

A Micro SD Card with at least 8GB of capacity is required.

USB to Micro SD Card Adapter

A USB to Micro SD card adapter is required. One like this can be used.

Install the Quartus Prime Programmer.

Download and install the Quartus Prime Programmer

The image below will be visible after the development kit JTAG port is connected to the host computer.

Install the VM and software

  • A core i5 or i7 machine running Windows is required with at least 50 Gbytes of free disk space.
  • The machine must support Virtualization and be enabled in the BIOS.

Getting a VM

  1. Download a VMware Workstation Player® and install it.

  2. Download the Arrow Ubuntu-64bit VM and unzip it.

  3. Open the VMware Workstation Player.

    1. Click on the "Open a Virtual Machine"
    2. Navigate to the unzipped "Ubuntu 64-bit (ADI 50GB).vmx" file and double-click it.

    Note: The default VM is configured for 32GB memory and 8 Processors. If your machine has less resources, make adjustments in the Edit virtual machine settings.

  4. Click "Play virtual machine". You will be asked about copying or moving it, select "I Copied it" You should see the Ubuntu 64-bit VM in the image below:

  5. The password for this Virtual Machine is soceds1

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