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adc transport peripheral

nnaufel edited this page Feb 28, 2019 · 16 revisions

ADC JESD204B Transport Peripheral

The ADC JESD204B Transport Peripheral implements the transport level handling of a JESD204B transmitter device. It is compatible with a wide range of Analog Devices high-speed analog-to-digital converters.

The core handles the JESD204B de-framing of the payload data.

The peripheral can be configured at runtime through a AXI4-Lite memory mapped register map.


  • ADI high-speed ADC compatible JESD204B data de-framing
  • Test-pattern checker
  • Per-channel data formating (sign-extension, two's complement to offset binary)
  • Runtime re-configurability through memory-mapped register interface (AXI4-Lite)





Block Diagram

Synthesis Configuration Parameters

Name Description Default
ID Instance identification number. 0
ADC_DATAPATH_DISABLE ADC data path disabled 0

Signal and Interface Pins

Name Type Description
s_axi_aclk Clock All S_AXI signals are synchronous to this clock.
s_axi_aresetn Synchronous active low reset Resets the internal state of the peripheral.
S_AXI AXI4-Lite bus slave Memory mapped AXI-lite bus that provides access to modules register map.
Link layer interface
link_clk Clock Device clock for the JESD204B interface. Must be line clock / 40 for correct operation.
LINK_DATA AXI4-Streaming interface slave JESD204 link data interface.
Application layer interface
adc_clk Input ADC Clock.
adc_data Input Raw application layer data, every channel concatenated.
adc_dovf Input Application layer overflow.
adc_dunf Input Application layer underflow.
adc_rst Output Reset to the ADC
adc_enable_i0 Output ADC I-Channel 0 enable indicator.
adc_valid_i0 Output ADC I-Channel 0 data valid indicator (Always '1').
adc_data_i0 Output ADC I-Channel 0 data.
adc_enable_q0 Output ADC Q-Channel 0 enable indicator.
adc_valid_q0 Output ADC Q-Channel 0 data valid indicator (Always '1').
adc_data_q0 Output ADC Q-Channel 0 data.
adc_enable_i1 Output ADC I-Channel 1 enable indicator.
adc_valid_i1 Output ADC I-Channel 1 data valid indicator (Always '1').
adc_data_i1 Output ADC I-Channel 1 data.
adc_enable_q1 Output ADC Q-Channel 1 enable indicator.
adc_valid_q1 Output ADC Q-Channel 1 data valid indicator (Always '1').
adc_data_q1 Output ADC Q-Channel 1 data.

The S_AXI interface is synchronous to the s_axi_aclk clock. All other signals and interfaces are synchronous to the device_clk clock.

Register Map

The register map of the core contains instances of several generic register maps like ADC common, ADC channel, DAC common, DAC channel etc. The following table presents the base addresses of each instance, after that can be found the detailed description of each generic register map. The absolute address of a register should be calculated by adding the instance base address to the registers relative address.

Register Map base addresses

Address Name Description
0x0000 0x0000 BASE See the Base (common to all cores) table for more detail
0x0100 0x0400 ADC CHANNEL 0 See the ADC Channel table for more detail
0x0110 0x0440 ADC CHANNEL 1 See the ADC Channel table for more detail
0x0120 0x0480 ADC CHANNEL 2 See the ADC Channel table for more detail
0x0130 0x04C0 ADC CHANNEL 3 See the ADC Channel table for more detail

Base (common to all cores)

Address Bits Name Type Default Description
0x0000 0x0000 REG_VERSION Version and Scratch Registers
[31:0] VERSION[31:0] RO 0x00000000 Version number. Unique to all cores.
0x0001 0x0004 REG_ID Version and Scratch Registers
[31:0] ID[31:0] RO 0x00000000 Instance identifier number.
0x0002 0x0008 REG_SCRATCH Version and Scratch Registers
[31:0] SCRATCH[31:0] RW 0x00000000 Scratch register.
0x0003 0x000c REG_CONFIG Version and Scratch Registers
[0] IQCORRECTION_DISABLE RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the IQ Correction module was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
[1] DCFILTER_DISABLE RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the DC Filter module was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
[2] DATAFORMAT_DISABLE RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the Data Format module was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
[3] USERPORTS_DISABLE RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the logic related to the User Data Format (e.g. decimation) was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
[4] MODE_1R1T RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the core was implemented in 1 channel mode. (e.g. refer to AD9361 data sheet)
[5] DELAY_CONTROL_DISABLE RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the delay control is disabled for this IP. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
[6] DDS_DISABLE RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the DDS is disabled for this IP. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
[7] CMOS_OR_LVDS_N RO 0x0 CMOS or LVDS mode is used for the interface. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
[8] PPS_RECEIVER_ENABLE RO 0x0 If set, indicates the PPS receiver is enabled. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
[9] SCALECORRECTION_ONLY RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the IQ Correction module implements only scale correction. IQ correction must be enabled. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
0x0004 0x0010 REG_PPS_IRQ_MASK PPS Interrupt mask
[0] PPS_IRQ_MASK RW 0x1 Mask bit for the 1PPS receiver interrupt
0x0010 0x0040 REG_RSTN ADC Interface Control & Status
[2] CE_N RW 0x0 Clock enable, default is enabled(0x0). An inverse version of the signal is exported out of the module to control clock enables
[1] MMCM_RSTN RW 0x0 MMCM reset only (required for DRP access). Reset, default is IN-RESET (0x0), software must write 0x1 to bring up the core.
[0] RSTN RW 0x0 Reset, default is IN-RESET (0x0), software must write 0x1 to bring up the core.
0x0011 0x0044 REG_CNTRL ADC Interface Control & Status
[4] SREF_SYNC RW 0x0 Reference synchronization between multiple ADCs
[3] SYNC RW 0x0 Initialize synchronization between multiple ADCs
[2] R1_MODE RW 0x0 Select number of RF channels 1 (0x1) or 2 (0x0).
[1] DDR_EDGESEL RW 0x0 Select rising edge (0x0) or falling edge (0x1) for the first part of a sample (if applicable) followed by the successive edges for the remaining parts. This only controls how the sample is delineated from the incoming data post DDR registers.
[0] PIN_MODE RW 0x0 Select interface pin mode to be clock multiplexed (0x1) or pin multiplexed (0x0). In clock multiplexed mode, samples are received on alternative clock edges. In pin multiplexed mode, samples are interleaved or grouped on the pins at the same clock edge.
0x0015 0x0054 REG_CLK_FREQ ADC Interface Control & Status
[31:0] CLK_FREQ[31:0] RO 0x0000 Interface clock frequency. This is relative to the processor clock and in many cases is 100MHz. The number is represented as unsigned 16.16 format. Assuming a 100MHz processor clock the minimum is 1.523kHz and maximum is 6.554THz. The actual interface clock is CLK_FREQ * CLK_RATIO (see below). Note that the actual sampling clock may not be the same as the interface clock- software must consider device specific implementation parameters to calculate the final sampling clock.
0x0016 0x0058 REG_CLK_RATIO ADC Interface Control & Status
[31:0] CLK_RATIO[31:0] RO 0x0000 Interface clock ratio - as a factor actual received clock. This is implementation specific and depends on any serial to parallel conversion and interface type (ddr/sdr/qdr).
0x0017 0x005c REG_STATUS ADC Interface Control & Status
[3] PN_ERR RO 0x0 If set, indicates pn error in one or more channels.
[2] PN_OOS RO 0x0 If set, indicates pn oos in one or more channels.
[1] OVER_RANGE RO 0x0 If set, indicates over range in one or more channels.
[0] STATUS RO 0x0 Interface status, if set indicates no errors. If not set, there are errors, software may try resetting the cores.
0x001A 0x0068 REG_SYNC_STATUS ADC Synchronization Status register
[0] ADC_SYNC RO 0x0 ADC synchronization status. Will be set to 1 after the synchronization has been successfully completed
0x001C 0x0070 REG_DRP_CNTRL ADC Interface Control & Status
[28] DRP_RWN RW 0x0 DRP read (0x1) or write (0x0) select (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).
[27:16] DRP_ADDRESS[11:0] RW 0x00 DRP address, designs that contain more than one DRP accessible primitives have selects based on the most significant bits (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).
[15:0] RESERVED[15:0] RO 0x0000 Reserved for backward compatibility.
0x001D 0x0074 REG_DRP_STATUS ADC Interface Control & Status
[17] DRP_LOCKED RO 0x0 If set indicates that the DRP has been locked.
[16] DRP_STATUS RO 0x0 If set indicates busy (access pending). The read data may not be valid if this bit is set (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).
[15:0] RESERVED[15:0] RO 0x00 Reserved for backward compatibility.
0x001E 0x0078 REG_DRP_WDATA ADC DRP Write Data
[31:0] DRP_WDATA[31:0] RW 0x00 DRP write data. NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).
0x001F 0x007c REG_DRP_RDATA ADC DRP Read Data
[15:0] DRP_RDATA[15:0] RO 0x00 DRP read data (does not include GTX lanes).
0x0022 0x0088 REG_UI_STATUS User Interface Status
[2] UI_OVF RW1C 0x0 User Interface overflow. If set, indicates an overflow occurred during data transfer at the user interface (FIFO interface). Software must write a 0x1 to clear this register bit.
[1] UI_UNF RW1C 0x0 User Interface underflow. If set, indicates an underflow occurred during data transfer at the user interface (FIFO interface). Software must write a 0x1 to clear this register bit.
[0] UI_RESERVED RW1C 0x0 Reserved for backward compatibility.
0x0023 0x008c CONSTANT Fixed Value
[31:0] CONSTANT[31:0] RW 0x00000008 Fixed to 0x008.
0x0028 0x00a0 REG_USR_CNTRL_1 ADC Interface Control & Status
[7:0] USR_CHANMAX[7:0] RW 0x00 This indicates the maximum number of inputs for the channel data multiplexers. User may add different processing modules post data capture as another input to this common multiplexer. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
0x0029 0x00a4 REG_ADC_START_CODE ADC Synchronization start word
[31:0] ADC_START_CODE[31:0] RW 0x00000000 This sets the startcode that is used by the ADCs for synchronization NOT-APPLICABLE if START_CODE_DISABLE is set (0x1).
0x002E 0x00b8 REG_ADC_GPIO_IN ADC GPIO inputs
[31:0] ADC_GPIO_IN[31:0] RO 0x00000000 This reads auxiliary GPI pins of the ADC core
0x002F 0x00bc REG_ADC_GPIO_OUT ADC GPIO outputs
[31:0] ADC_GPIO_OUT[31:0] RW 0x00000000 This controls auxiliary GPO pins of the ADC core NOT-APPLICABLE if GPIO_DISABLE is set (0x1).
0x0030 0x00c0 REG_PPS_COUNTER PPS Counter register
[31:0] PPS_COUNTER[31:0] RO 0x00000000 Counts the core clock cycles (can be a device clock or interface clock) between two 1PPS pulse.
0x0031 0x00c4 REG_PPS_STATUS PPS Status register
[0] PPS_STATUS RO 0x0 If this bit is asserted there is no incomming 1PPS signal. Maybe the source is out of sync or it's not active.
0x0040 0x0100 UP_TIMER Timer Register
[31:0] UP_TIMER[31:0] RO 0x00000000 Counts down to 0 from a value written in the register.

ADC Channel (axi_ad9371_rx_channel_n)

Address Bits Name Type Default Description
0x0000 0x0000 REG_CHAN_CNTRL ADC Interface Control & Status
[11] ADC_LB_ENB RW 0x0 If set, forces ADC_DATA_SEL to 1, enabling data loopback
[10] ADC_PN_SEL RW 0x0 If set, forces ADC_PN_SEL to 0x9, device specific pn (e.g. ad9361) If both ADC_PN_TYPE and ADC_PN_SEL are set, they are ignored
[9] IQCOR_ENB RW 0x0 if set, enables IQ correction or scale correction. NOT-APPLICABLE if IQCORRECTION_DISABLE is set (0x1).
[8] DCFILT_ENB RW 0x0 if set, enables DC filter (to disable DC offset, set offset value to 0x0). NOT-APPLICABLE if DCFILTER_DISABLE is set (0x1).
[6] FORMAT_SIGNEXT RW 0x0 if set, enables sign extension (applicable only in 2's complement mode). The data is always sign extended to the nearest byte boundary. NOT-APPLICABLE if DATAFORMAT_DISABLE is set (0x1).
[5] FORMAT_TYPE RW 0x0 Select offset binary (0x1) or 2's complement (0x0) data type. This sets the incoming data type and is required by the post processing modules for any data conversion. NOT-APPLICABLE if DATAFORMAT_DISABLE is set (0x1).
[4] FORMAT_ENABLE RW 0x0 Enable data format conversion (see register bits above). NOT-APPLICABLE if DATAFORMAT_DISABLE is set (0x1).
[3] RESERVED RO 0x0 Reserved for backward compatibility.
[2] RESERVED RO 0x0 Reserved for backward compatibility.
[1] ADC_PN_TYPE RW 0x0 If set, forces ADC_PN_SEL to 0x1, modified pn23 If both ADC_PN_TYPE and ADC_PN_SEL are set, they are ignored
[0] ENABLE RW 0x0 If set, enables channel. A 0x0 to 0x1 transition transfers all the control signals to the respective channel processing module. If a channel is part of a complex signal (I/Q), even channel is the master and the odd channel is the slave. Though a single control is used, both must be individually selected.
0x0001 0x0004 REG_CHAN_STATUS ADC Interface Control & Status
[2] PN_ERR RW1C 0x0 PN errors. If set, indicates spurious mismatches in sync state. This bit is cleared if OOS is set and is only indicates errors when OOS is cleared.
[1] PN_OOS RW1C 0x0 PN Out Of Sync. If set, indicates an OOS status. OOS is set, if 64 consecutive patterns mismatch from the expected pattern. It is cleared, when 16 consecutive patterns match the expected pattern.
[0] OVER_RANGE RW1C 0x0 If set, indicates over range. Note that over range is independent of the data path, it indicates an over range over a data transfer period. Software must first clear this bit before initiating a transfer and monitor afterwards.
0x0004 0x0010 REG_CHAN_CNTRL_1 ADC Interface Control & Status
[31:16] DCFILT_OFFSET[15:0] RW 0x0000 DC removal (if equipped) offset. This is a 2's complement number added to the incoming data to remove a known DC offset. NOT-APPLICABLE if DCFILTER_DISABLE is set (0x1).
[15:0] DCFILT_COEFF[15:0] RW 0x0000 DC removal filter (if equipped) coefficient. The format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). NOT-APPLICABLE if DCFILTER_DISABLE is set (0x1).
0x0005 0x0014 REG_CHAN_CNTRL_2 ADC Interface Control & Status
[31:16] IQCOR_COEFF_1[15:0] RW 0x0000 IQ correction (if equipped) coefficient. If scale & offset is implemented, this is the scale value and the format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). If matrix multiplication is used, this is the channel I coefficient and the format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). If SCALECORRECTION_ONLY is set, this implements the scale value correction for the current channel with the format 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). NOT-APPLICABLE if IQCORRECTION_DISABLE is set (0x1).
[15:0] IQCOR_COEFF_2[15:0] RW 0x0000 IQ correction (if equipped) coefficient. If scale & offset is implemented, this is the offset value and the format is 2's complement. If matrix multiplication is used, this is the channel Q coefficient and the format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). NOT-APPLICABLE if IQCORRECTION_DISABLE is set (0x1).
0x0006 0x0018 REG_CHAN_CNTRL_3 ADC Interface Control & Status
[19:16] ADC_PN_SEL[3:0] RW 0x0 Selects the PN monitor sequence type (available only if ADC supports it). 0x0: pn9a (device specific, modified pn9) 0x1: pn23a (device specific, modified pn23) 0x4: pn7 (standard O.150) 0x5: pn15 (standard O.150) 0x6: pn23 (standard O.150) 0x7: pn31 (standard O.150) 0x9: pnX (device specific, e.g. ad9361)
[3:0] ADC_DATA_SEL[3:0] RW 0x0 Selects the data source to DMA. 0x0: input data (ADC) 0x1: loopback data (DAC)
0x0008 0x0020 REG_CHAN_USR_CNTRL_1 ADC Interface Control & Status
[25] USR_DATATYPE_BE RO 0x0 The user data type format- if set, indicates big endian (default is little endian). NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
[24] USR_DATATYPE_SIGNED RO 0x0 The user data type format- if set, indicates signed (2's complement) data (default is unsigned). NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
[23:16] USR_DATATYPE_SHIFT[7:0] RO 0x00 The user data type format- the amount of right shift for actual samples within the total number of bits. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
[15:8] USR_DATATYPE_TOTAL_BITS[7:0] RO 0x00 The user data type format- number of total bits used for a sample. The total number of bits must be an integer multiple of 8 (byte aligned). NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
[7:0] USR_DATATYPE_BITS[7:0] RO 0x00 The user data type format- number of bits in a sample. This indicates the actual sample data bits. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
0x0009 0x0024 REG_CHAN_USR_CNTRL_2 __ADC Interface Control & Statusv
[31:16] USR_DECIMATION_M[15:0] RW 0x0000 This holds the user decimation M value of the channel that is currently being selected on the multiplexer above. The total decimation factor is of the form M/N. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
[15:0] USR_DECIMATION_N[15:0] RW 0x0000 This holds the user decimation N value of the channel that is currently being selected on the multiplexer above. The total decimation factor is of the form M/N. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
0x0010 0x0040 REG_* Channel 1, similar to register 0x100 to 0x10f.
0x0020 0x0080 REG_* Channel 2, similar to register 0x100 to 0x10f.
0x00F0 0x03c0 REG_* __Channel 15, similar to register 0x100 to 0x10f.v

Theory of Operation

Interfaces and Signals

Configuration Interface

The peripheral features a register map configuration interface that can be accessed through the AXI4-Lite ''S_AXI'' port. The register map can be used to configure the peripherals operational parameters, query the current status of the device and query the features supported by the device.

Link layer interface

The link layer interface description can be found in the User Data Interface section of the JESD204B Link Receive Peripheral IP.

Application layer interface

The application layer is connected to the deframer block output. The deframer module creates sample data from the lane mapped and formatted JESD204 link data based on the specified deframer configuration.

The data in the application layer interface adc_data has the following layout:

 MSB                                                                  LSB 
[ MmSn, ..., MmS1, MnS0, ..., M1Sn, ... M1S1, M1S0, M0Sn, ... M0S1, M0S0 ] 

Where MjSi refers to the i-th sample of the j-th converter. With m being the number of converters and n the number of samples per converter per beat.

The core asserts the enable signal for each channel that is enabled by the software.

Clock Monitor

The REG_STATUS (0x054) register CLK_FREQ field allows to determine the clock rate of the device clock (link_clk) relative to the AXI interface clock (s_axi_aclk). This can be used to verify that the device clock is running at the expected rate.

The number is represented as unsigned 16.16 format. Assuming a 100MHz processor clock this corresponds to a resolution of 1.523kHz per LSB. A raw value of 0 indicates that the link clock is currently not active.

Data Formatter

The component is configured by the REG_CHAN_CNTRL register FORMAT_SIGNEXT,FORMAT_TYPE,FORMAT_ENABLE fields. The block introduces one clock cycle latency.

PRBS Check

The block can monitor and compare the incoming deframed raw data against PN9 or PN23 patterns selected by the ADC_PN_SEL field of REG_CHAN_CNTRL_3 register.

0 PN9
others PN23

For each channel mismatches are reported in PN_ERR and PN_OOS fields of the REG_CHAN_STATUS register.

Software Support

To ensure correct operation it is highly recommended to use the Analog Devices provided JESD204B software packages for interfacing the peripheral. Analog Devices is not able to provide support in case issues arise from using custom low-level software for interfacing the peripheral.


Reduced number of octets-per-frame (F) settings. The following values are supported by the peripheral: 1, 2, 4

Supported Devices

Technical Support

Analog Devices will provide limited online support for anyone using the core with Analog Devices components (ADC, DAC, Video, Audio, etc) via the EngineerZone.

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