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nnaufel edited this page Dec 26, 2019 · 7 revisions



The AD9523-1 is responsible for generating and distributing all clock signals used on the AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ platform.

The AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ platform only uses the second PLL of the AD9523-1 with the reference for the PLL being sourced from a external 125 MHz crystal. The PLL2 VCO has a locking range of 2940 MHz to 3100 MHz, with the external reference being 125 MHz the nominal output frequency of the VCO is 3000 MHz.

The output of the PLL VCO is divided down to the target frequencies in two steps. First it is divided by either 3, 4 or 5, which gives a frequency of 1000 MHz, 750 MHz or 600 MHz respectively. This is the master clock frequency for the data converter system and shared between the DAC and ADC data path, all generated clocks are based of this master clock.

The master clock is distributed to each clock output and further down divided by an integer divider in the range of 1-1024. On the AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ platform 8 different clocks are generated this way, 4 each for the DAC and ADC datapath.

Clock Output Function
OUT1 DAC converter clock
OUT4 ADC FPGA reference clock
OUT5 ADC converter SYSREF clock
OUT8 DAC converter SYSREF clock
OUT9 DAC FPGA reference clock
OUT13 ADC converter clock
Others Unused

The ADC and DAC converter clocks are the reference clock for the ADC and DAC respectively and determine the sampling rate of the converter. If a deterministic latency relationship between the DAC and ADC datapath is required the DAC and ADC clock need to be in a (sub-)harmonic relationship to each other, otherwise their relationship can be chosen freely.

The DAC has built-in interpolation filters that allow interpolation by a factor of 2, 4 or 8. The interpolation factor and the DAC converter sample-rate decide the DAC data-input-rate. The data-input-rate is equal to the sample-rate divided by the interpolation factor.

The ADC has built-in decimation filters that allow interpolation by a factor of 2, 4, 8 or 16. The decimation factor and the ADC converter sample-rate decide the ADC data-output-rate. The data-output-rate is equal to the sample-rate divided by the decimation factor.

The JESD204 lane rates depend on the data-output/input-rates. On the AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ both for the ADC and the DAC the lane-rate is equal to 10 times the data-rate.

The ADC FPGA reference clock is the reference clock for the JESD204 clock-data-recovery (CDR) circuit as well the ADC data path inside the FPGA. Similarly the DAC FPGA reference clock is the reference clock for the JESD204 transmit PLL and the DAC data path inside the FPGA. These clocks should be set to the JESD204 lane-rate divided by 20.

The SYSREF clocks are used for synchronization and to establish deterministic latency between the different components. The SYSREF clock must be a integer multiple of the local-multi-frame-clock (LMFC). The LMFC is a clock that is generated internally in the converters and FPGA and on the AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ platform it's rate is 1/32 of the converter data-input/output-rate. This means the SYSREF clock frequency must be integer down divided of the converter data-rate / 32 (I.e. data-rate / {32, 64, 96, 128, ...}).

The SYSREF clocks going to the converter and the FPGA must be configured for the same frequency. If a deterministic latency relationship between the DAC and ADC datapath is required the DAC and ADC SYSREF signals must be configured for the same frequency, otherwise the DAC and ADC datapath SYSREF clocks can be configured with different frequencies.

Clock Frequency range Comments
PLL2 VCO 3000 MHz Tuning range of 2940 MHz to 3100 MHz
Master clock 1000 MHz, 750 MHz, 600 MHz PLL2 VCO divided by 3, 4 or 5
ADC converter clock ≥ 312.5 MHz, ≤ 1000 MHz, Master clock / NADC
ADC SYSREF clock ADC converter clock / (NADC_SYSREF * 32)
DAC converter clock ≥ 200 MHz, ≤ 1000 MHz, Master clock / NDAC
DAC SYSREF clock DAC converter clock / (NDAC_SYSREF * 32)
ADC JESD204 lane rate ADC converter clock / ADC decimation factor * 10
DAC JESD204 lane rate DAC converter clock / DAC interpolation factor * 10


fDAC = 1000 MSPS, fADC = 1000 MSPS

This is the default AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ configuration with both converters running at the maximum supported samplerate of 1 GSPS.

Clock Frequency Divider setting
Master clock 1000 MHz 3
ADC converter clock 1000 MHz 1
ADC FPGA reference clock 500 MHz 2
ADC SYSREF clock 7.8125 MHz 128
ADC FPGA SYSREF clock 7.8125 MHz 128
ADC JESD204 lane rate 10 Gbps
DAC converter clock 1000 MHz 1
DAC FPGA reference clock 500 MHz 2
DAC SYSREF clock 7.8125 MHz 128
DAC FPGA SYSREF clock 7.8125 MHz 128
DAC JESD204 lane rate 10 Gbps

fDAC = 250 MSPS, fADC = 375 MSPS

Non-harmonic DAC and ADC sampling rate (No deterministic latency between DAC and ADC datapath).

Clock Frequency Divider setting
Master clock 750 MHz 4
ADC converter clock 375 MHz 2
ADC FPGA reference clock 187.5 MHz 4
ADC SYSREF clock 2.9296875 MHz 256
ADC FPGA SYSREF clock 2.9296875 MHz 256
ADC JESD204 lane rate 3.75 Gbps
DAC converter clock 250 MHz 3
DAC FPGA reference clock 125 MHz 6
DAC SYSREF clock 1.953125 MHz 384
DAC FPGA SYSREF clock 1.953125 MHz 384
DAC JESD204 lane rate 2.5 Gbps

Replacing the Crystal Oscillator

On the AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ platform the reference clock signal for the AD9523-1 PLL2 is provided by a crystal oscillator (XO). The default populated crystal oscillator has a output frequency of 125 MHz, this results in a nominal AD9523-1 VCO frequency of 3 GHz, all other clock signals are integer down-divided versions of the signal.

Other VCO frequencies are possible by replacing the XO with a suitable replacement producing a different frequency. Replacing the XO might require changing the VCO feedback divider settings to produce a valid VCO frequency. The VCO frequency must be in the range of 2940 MHz to 3100 MHz, otherwise the PLL2 will not lock.

The reference frequency can optionally be divided by the R2 (1-32) reference divider or multiplied by 2 using the frequency doubler. The result of this is the phase-frequency-detector (PFD) input frequency. The maximum PFD input frequency is 259 MHz. If the reference frequency exceeds this value the reference divider must be used to bring it into a valid range.

fPFD = fReference / R2 * frequency_doubler

The VCO frequency is the PFD input frequency multiplied by the VCO feedback divider (N2).

fVCO = fPFD * N2

The feedback divider is the combination of two counters, the A and B counter. These are the settings that are programmed to the AD9523-1 configuration registers.

N2 = 4 * B + A

Rearranging these formulas it is possible to compute the A and B counter settings from a known reference and a desired VCO frequency.

N2 = fVCO / fPFD

A = N2 % 4

B = N2 / 4

Example: fXO = 122.88 MHz, fVCO = 2949.12 MHz

In this example the frequency doubler is bypassed and the reference divider is set to 1. That means the PFD input frequency is equal to the reference frequency.

N2 = fVCO / fPFD => N2 = 2949.12 / 122.88 = 24

A = N2 % 4 => A = 24 % 4 = 0

B = N2 / 4 => B = 24 / 4 = 6

Configuration Parameter Setting
PLL2 reference divider (R2) 1
PLL2 reference frequency doubler Disabled
PLL2 feedback A divider 0
PLL2 feedback B divider 6

Modifying the Clock Configuration


On Linux the default clock configuration is supplied through the

More info to come

The devicetree file that is used for the AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ and contains the clock configuration is called adi-daq2.dtsi. This file contains nodes for the AD9523-1, the AD9144 and the AD9680. Each node contains properties that describe the hardware setup and provide default configuration parameters.

To change the clocking configuration, the properties of the AD9523-1 node can be modified. The following lists the most important properties for the AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ and their corresponding hardware setting. The function of each of these settings and how to choose their value has been discussed above. For more information refer to the AD9523-1 driver documenation.

Hardware configuration Property name
Frequency of the external VCXO adi,vcxo-freq
PLL2 reference divider (R2) adi,pll2-r2-div
PLL2 feedback divider A counter adi,pll2-ndiv-a-cnt
PLL2 feedback divider B counter adi,pll2-ndiv-b-cnt
PLL2 VCO output divider (M1) adi,pll2-vco-diff-m1

Each clock output of the AD9523-1 has its own subnode in the devicetree. This subnode is used to select the configuration of the clock output. A clock output node is identified by its reg property which corresponds to the clock output channel number. Ex: On the AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ, the ADC converter clock is sourced from output 13, so the node for the ADC converter clock has its reg property set to 13. For a list of all used clock outputs and their function see above.

For changing the clocking configuration only two of the properties need to be changed, all other properties should remain at their default value.

Hardware configuration Property name
Output divider adi,channel-divider
Output phase adi,divider-phase

Example: Change the DAC converter clock divider to 4

ad9523_0_c1:channel@1 { 
    reg = <1>; 
    adi,extended-name = "DAC_CLK";
    adi,driver-mode = <3>;
    adi,divider-phase = <1>;
    adi,channel-divider = <4>;
//  adi,output-dis;

Based on the data output and input rates the converter drivers will automatically calculate the JESD204 lane rate and propagate the configuration to the JESD204 receiver and transmitter drivers. These drivers will update the high-speed transceiver configuration accordingly. This means no additional manual configuration is necessary to setup the JESD204 link.

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