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RamonvRooyen edited this page Jan 13, 2022 · 9 revisions

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How to play?

Your ship is centered around a Ship core pointing towards the front of your ship. The Ship core receives FE, GregTech EU, IC2 EU and RF power. The Ship core connects with a ComputerCraft Advanced computer or OpenComputer equivalent.

Using that computer, you name your ship, define its dimensions, move it around, etc. On the computer screen, the bottom text gives the US keyboard shortcuts to use to acces the different menus.

Your ship size and mass are constrains to its tier (shuttle, corvette and frigate), check the tooltip for details.

Ship mass is measured in blocks, excluding air and gases. Your ship needs to be light enough (mass lower than 3000) to take off from and land on planets. By extension, larger ships needs to built directly in space.

Engaging hyperdrive allows to enter and exit hyperspace, provided your ship volume is at least 4000 blocks.

Power consumption for a jump depends the environment (planet, space, hyperspace), movement type (landing, take-off, etc.) and ship mass. Typical movement on a planet will cost 10 EU (40RF) per volume blocks + 100 EU (400RF) per block distance.

Once you are in hyperspace, movement is typically 10x cheaper while being 5x faster. Each transition to or from hyperspace requires 10M EU (40M RF).

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