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LemADEC edited this page May 5, 2017 · 5 revisions


Ship hull is an important part of your ship appearance and defense. They provide different type of direct and indirect damage absorption. Higher grade will effectively sustain multiple before causing breach in your ship.

A small slab and omnipanels ship


16 different styles of ship hulls are provided, covering metal, mineral and biological style in large palette of colors. You can change your style at any time using dyes from vanilla or other mods by crafting 8 hull blocks around 1 dye.

Variations are also provided with opaque (plain or tiled), transparent (glass or omnipanel), cut (slab or stairs) hulls blocks.
While transparent hulls offer the same protection as plain ones, they do add a bit of light to your ship. Also, keep in mind glass hull blocks can't be upgraded to higher tier.
Slabs can be placed vertically.
Omnislab will connect in all directions.
Glass hull is obtained by adding glass blocks (any) and glowstone dust to any hull.
Tiled, slab, omnipanel or stairs hull is obtained the same as vanilla.

Basic hull

Basic hull blocks are merely a mix of metal and stone. They provide a reasonable blast resistance, through not as good as obsidian. Depending on other mods present, you can produce basic hull blocks through a mix of:

  • reinforced stone (IC2) and obsidian
  • or steel ingots (any) and stone (any)
  • or iron ingots and stone (any)
  • bronze ingots (any) and stone (any)
  • aluminium ingots (any) and stone (any)

Advanced hull

While very cheap and simple, a Basic hull can't really compare with good old obsidian. Advanced hull are as good as obsidian with an added effect: they'll degrade to basic hull when damaged. Hence, after an heavy fight, even through your ship looks the same, you might wanna inspect your hull to repair those damaged blocks. Depending on other mods present, you can upgrade Basic hull to Advanced tier by adding:

  • tungstensteel reinforced block (Gregtech)
  • or carbon plate (IC2)
  • or dark steel ingot (EnderIO)
  • or obsidian While upgrading, you need to use the same color variation of basic hulls or add a dye to repaint them.

Superior hull

Obsidian blast resistance is nice and all but sometime you need something stronger. Superior hull have 80% chance to absorb a direct hit from a laser before degrading to advanced hull. Effectively, unless you sustain an extremely high energy laser, a tier 3 hull will last a few shots before causing an hull breach. Depending on other mods present, you can upgrade Advanced hull to Superior tier by adding:

  • naquadah plate (Gregtech)
  • or iridium plate (IC2)
  • or pulsating crystal (EnderIO)
  • or diamond While upgrading, you need to use the same color variation of basic hulls or add a dye to repaint them.

Iridium block

Iridium is by far the best blast resistance material and they're very easy to move around. However, energy weapons will go through it like butter. Many years after their introduction, ship designers are still debating on what's the best way to layer them with other hull blocks for the best effect...

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