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Getting Started: Part One, The Basics

CalhounGaming edited this page Feb 6, 2016 · 8 revisions

So you've downloaded Warp Drive! Well done! Now what? The world of the WarpDrive mod can be very confusing. This guide will help you get a grasp of the basics, so you can move onwards to conquering the stars.

Building Your Ship

Y'know what, I'm not even going to go there. A ship is a ship.

Setting Up your Warp Drive

For starters, you'll need at least One Advanced Computer, One Ship Core, and One Warp Controller. To be able to use the built Warp Engine you'll need a power source.

Using the Computer, Core, and Controller, build the engine like this:

This is the correct way to build your engine. In this design, the computer faces the front of the ship. Remember, the front of your ship is always the direction of your Warp Controller.

Make sure to connect your Ship Core to some sort of power generation; no power, no Warp.

Once you've completed these steps, well done! You've made a Warp Drive. Let's move on to configuring it.

Configuring Your Warp Drive

To start configuring your warp drive, enter the computer terminal attached. You should see a screen like this:

This is where you'll enter your Ship name, pick something appropriate. After you've chosen your name, the computer will boot into the main Control screen, here you'll see options to set your ship Dimensions, Name, And warp direction. There's also the Jump controls and player summoning options, but we'll get to that later. The Control Screen should look something like this:

To jump your ship, first set the Ship Dimensions. Tap 'D' to access the Dimensions page, and enter the different distances from your ship core to the last block in the specified direction. Next, Set your Warp Data. As this is likely your first jump, straight up should do nicely. Tap the 'S' key to access the Warp Direction page. Follow the prompts to set direction and distance of the Jump.

Finally, to jump make sure you have enough power and then tap 'J'. The Pre-Warp diagnostics will run, before catapulting you on your first Jump!

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