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faq 110073968

Billy Charlton edited this page Sep 5, 2018 · 2 revisions

Transforming WGS84 coordinates to UTM18N - PT

by Jinkai Zhou on 2017-06-16 17:13:54

I'm running a PT scenario of New York. I have all my files(network, population, schedule) in WGS84 coordinate system. I should change it to UTM18N(New York zone) in order to run the simulation. I used application to change the coordinate system of schedule but it does not have the UTM18N option.(The closest one was UTM17N, the Toronto zone). So how to change the WGS84 coordinates in these file to UTM18N? 

Comments: 1

Re: Transforming WGS84 coordinates to UTM18N - PT

by Marcel Rieser on 2017-06-16 21:18:04

MATSim supports using EPSG-codes.

In code, you could write: TransformationFactory.getCoordinateTransformation("EPSG:4326", "EPSG:32168"); to transform from WGS84 to WGS84/UTM18N.

Please note, there is also a NAD83/UTM18N (EPSG:26918). Make sure you choose the right one.

If the EPSG-Code is not specified, you can try to look it up on, for example NAD83 / UTM Zone 18N or WGS84 / UTM Zone 18N

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