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Releases: reonZ/pf2e-hud


24 Jul 21:57
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  • Persistent HUD:
    • prevent the display of strike auxiliaries containing a dropdown in strike shortcuts
    • added a new Keep Last Persistent setting (enabled by default)
      • when using Auto-Set Actor, should the last valid actor be kept as persistent instead of being unset
      • it will still revert to your assigned actor if you have one and On Token Selection is chosen


24 Jul 12:11
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  • the critical button for NPC strikes will no longer show the formula directly but only Critical
    • NPC criticals are always double damage
    • you can still hover over it to see the formula
  • Persistent HUD:
    • fixed NPC strike shortcuts not showing the damage variant buttons


22 Jul 12:31
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  • this is a system 6.1.1 release
  • Persistent HUD:
    • added support for lore skill shortcuts
    • added extra custom icons for skill actions & lore skills shortcuts
  • Sidebars:
    • fixed focus slider style in Spells sidebar
  • Token HUD:
    • no longer shows the sidebars icons row if all sidebars are disabled for that actor
  • fixed Recovery Check icon not doing anything
  • fixed Close on Send to Chat settings not doing anything
  • fixed some prompt dialogs having an undefined button label
  • fixed fps panel showing behind the hotbar when the Persistent HUD is enabled


21 Jul 14:54
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  • this is a system 6.1.0 release
  • finalized the item description popup inline links functionalities and styling
  • changed the way HUD elements fade-out is handled to try to avoid some fringe browser issues
  • Persistent HUD:
    • most skill actions now have a customized icon when dragged and turned into a shortcut
  • Sidebars:
    • actions with 0 remaining uses will see their Use button replaced by a Reset Uses button
    • all duplicate actions are removed from the actions sidebar
      • actions that are in the Stances section
      • Element Blast when Channel Elements is active
      • skills actions present in the skills and extras sidebars
    • now disables the Extras sidebar for non-creature actors
    • implemented the Recall Knowledge action in the Extras sidebar
      • it respects the Show Secret Checks system metagame setting
    • added a new icon to show or hide stowed weapons in the Attacks header
    • added lores to the Skills sidebar
    • fixed skill actions in the Extras sidebar not working
    • fixed not being able to drop items behind the sidebar even though it faded out
  • fixed breaking changes with skills


19 Jul 11:03
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0.18.0 Pre-release
  • upped the foundry minimum version to 12.329
  • HUD objects can now be directly accessed via the globalThis context game.hud
  • added an Alliance icon to NPC & Character HUDs (shift+click skips neutral)
  • Persistent HUD:
    • switched the attack & damage icons for strikes/blasts shortcuts
    • shortcuts are now saved on the world actor for unlinked actors and are shared between all tokens
    • fixed persistent actor being unset when deleting a linked token (only unlinked ones should)
    • fixed actor-less hud not showing any shortcut slot
    • fixed the Show Effects icon not changing state
    • fixed the players window context menu showing under the HUD
    • fixed creating a new shortcut in an empty virtual slot (virtual = autofill or copied) not adding the shortcut
  • Resources Tracker:
    • added an icon to the resource menu header that can be clicked to get the id of the resource
  • Sidebars:
    • elemental blasts action cost toggle options are now directly embedded into the Blasts header
    • fixed not being able to open the item description or send-to-chat for skill actions that are behind a feat (e.g. Bon Mot)
    • fixed shortcuts for skill actions that are behind a feat not working
    • fixed skill actions that require to be trained never showing when the Hide Untrained setting was enabled even if the character was trained
      • also added support for Untrained Improvisation
  • Token Tooltip:
    • now only ever shows the small version of the tooltip when a Token HUD is currently visible
    • fixed health status not showing when hovering one of the persistent actor tokens
  • fixed hotbar being moved even when the Persistent HUD is disabled
  • fixed hotbar no being put back in the correct container element when disabling the Persistent HUD


12 Jul 12:38
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0.17.2 Pre-release
  • Persistent HUD:
    • some performance tweaks have been done
    • fixed the HUD not occupying actual space in the left UI
      • this was the cause for the scene navbar offset issue
      • this was the cause for smalltime not being able to dock on the players window
      • the players window is no longer removed from its original container anymore
  • Token Toolip:
    • fixed tooltip position on hex-grid maps


12 Jul 02:37
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0.17.1 Pre-release
  • Persistent HUD:
    • fixed issue with portrait width


12 Jul 02:05
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0.17.0 Pre-release
  • made some slight improvement to filters
  • Persistent HUD:
    • added a new Shortcut Slots setting to set the number of shortcut slots available in the HUD (NOTE: the module was designed to have 4 slots)
    • implemented the Font Size setting for the persistent HUD
    • fixed not being able to manually unset the persistent actor when the Auto-Set Actor setting is set to On Token Select
  • Resources Tracker:
    • implement the Font Size setting for the resources tracker
    • you can now use negative limits to the resources
    • resource steps are now customizable, if empty or 0 the step shortcut will be removed


05 Jul 22:13
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0.16.0 Pre-release
    • keybindings have been reset
  • added a new Use Sidebar Filter keybinding
    • using that bind whenever a sidebar is open will display a filter field in the center of the screen
    • typing anything in the field will filter the current sidebar content
    • the field doesn't care about capital letters
    • nothing happens if the typed filter doesn't match anything
    • if anything matches the filter, the rest of the sidebar will be darkened to highlight it
    • if the matched element is related to another element/section, those parent elements will also remain highlighted
      • a variant action skill will highlight the variant, the parent action and the skill they belong to
      • an item inside a backpack in the container section will have all 3 highlighted
    • the filter field closes as soon as it loses focus
    • pressing the Enter key will close the filter field was retaining the current filter for the sidebar
    • pressing the Escape key will close the filter field and revert any filter
    • pressing the Use Sidebar Filter keybind when there is a filter active on the current sidebar will cancel the filter
  • changed the default text color across the different HUDs to be the same as the one in the foundry interface
  • Combat Tracker
    • removed the previously added scene control tool button for the combat tracker
  • Token Tooltip
    • fixed (hopefully) a rare error when switching scene that would prevent the canvas from rendering


04 Jul 19:56
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0.15.0 Pre-release
    • changes have been made to the data-structure of skills shortcuts, you will need to replace the existing ones (again)
  • added support for statistic action shortcuts from the Extras sidebar
  • added a new Resource Tracker HUD
    • a small widget to track arbitrary resources
    • GMs resources can be shared with everybody
    • players resources only exist on their client (they are saved as user settings, not client)
    • the HUD can be shown/hidden via a scene control tool button
  • Combat Tracker
    • added a scene control tool button to enable/disable the combat tracker without the need to go to the settings