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daRabbit edited this page Oct 13, 2018 · 3 revisions

Rattletrap, the Clockwerk, is a melee strength hero who excels at initiating and making space.

Difference to vanilla

  • Rocket Flare cooldown reduced.


Q: Battery Assault

Ability: No Target
Affects: Enemies
Damage Type: Magical
Pierces Spell Immunity: No
100 mana || 32/28/24/20/20/20 cooldown

Discharges high-powered shrapnel at random nearby enemy units, dealing minor magical damage and ministun.

Cast Point: 0.3
Search Radius: 275
Shrapnel Interval: 0.7 (Talent 0.4)
Damage per Shrapnel: 20/45/70/95/215/350
Stun Duration: 0.1
Duration: 10.5


W: Power Cogs

Ability: No Target
Affects: Enemies
Damage Type: Magical
80/80/80/80/120/160 mana || 15 cooldown

Forms a barrier of energized cogs around Clockwerk, trapping any units that are near. Enemies outside the trap that touch a cog are knocked back, losing health and mana. Once a cog has delivered a shock, it will power down. Cogs can be destroyed by enemy attacks, but Clockwerk can destroy them with just one.

Cast Point: 0.2
Duration: 5/6/7/8/9/10
Shock Search Radius: 170
Shock Mana burn and Damage: 50/100/150/200/400/600
Attacks to Destroy: 2/2/2/2/3/4


E: Rocket Flare

Ability: Target Area
Affects: Enemies
Damage Type: Magical
Pierces Spell Immunity: No
50 mana || 14 cooldown

Fires a global range flare that explodes over a given area, damaging enemies and providing vision for 10 seconds.

Cast Range: Global
Cast Point: 0.3
Damage: 80/120/160/200/400/600 (Talent 205/245/285/325/525/725)
Vision Radius: 600
Vision Duration: 10

  • If the level 25 talent is taken, rocket flare provides true sight.


R: Hookshot

Ability: Target Point
Affects: Self/Enemies
Damage Type: Magical
150 mana || 70/55/40/40/40 cooldown (Aghanim's Scepter: 12)

Fires a grappling device rapidly at the target location. If the hook hits a unit, Clockwerk launches himself into the target, stunning and dealing damage. Any enemies Clockwerk collides with along the way are damaged and stunned.

Cast Range: 2000/2500/3000/3500/4000
Cast Point: 0.3
Max Travel Distance: 2000/2500/3000/3500/4000
Hook Latch Radius: 125
Stun & Damage Radius: 175
Damage: 75/175/275/775/1275
Stun Duration: 1/1.5/2/2.25/2.5


-0.3s Battery Assault


Rocket Flare True Sight
+125 Rocket Flare


+20% Magic Resistance
+30 Battery Assault


+15 Strength
+20 Movement Speed


+5 Armor


  • There is this moment where Clockwerk has aether lens and it was on the old map, he could hookshot through the map.
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