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daRabbit edited this page Dec 9, 2018 · 3 revisions

Shadow Demon is a ranged intelligence hero who excels to help your team to secure a kill.

Difference to vanilla

  • XP or gold talent changes.


Q: Disruption

Ability: Target Unit
Affects: Enemy Heroes/Allied Heroes
Pierces Spell Immunity: No
120 mana || 27/24/21/18/18/18 cooldown (Talent same cooldown/charge)

Banishes the targeted unit from the battlefield for a short duration. Upon returning, two illusions of the banished unit are created under Shadow Demon's control.

Cast Range: 600
Cast Point: 0.3
Number of Illusions: 2
Illusion Damage Dealt: 30%/45%/60%/75%/85%/100%
Illusion Damage Taken: 300%
Illusion Duration: 8/10/12/14/22/30
Disruption Duration: 2.75
Number of Charges: 0 (Talent 2)


W: Soul Catcher

Ability: Target Area
Affects: Enemies
Pierces Spell Immunity: No
Dispellable: Yes
110 mana || 26/24/22/20/18/15 cooldown

Captures the soul of enemy units in an area, causing them to lose a percentage of their current health. When the debuff is removed, the units gain half of the lost health back. Units under the effect of Disruption can still be affected by Soul Catcher.

Cast Range: 700
Cast Point: 0.3
Radius: 175/200/225/250/300/350
Current Health Removed: 25%/30%/35%/40%/45%/50%
Illusion Damage Dealt: 0% (Talent 30%/45%/60%/75%/90%/105%)
Illusion Damage Taken: 0% (Talent 200%)
Duration: 10


E: Shadow Poison

Ability: Target Point
Affects: Enemies
Damage Type: Magical
Pierces Spell Immunity: No
Dispellable: Yes
50 mana || 2.5 cooldown (Talent 1 cooldown)

Deals damage in a line, and afflicts enemy units with a poison effect. The poison deals 1/2/4/8/16 times the stack damage based on the number of stacks on the target, up to 5 stacks. Additional stacks cause 50 damage each. This deferred damage is dealt when Shadow Poison's duration is expired, or the Release sub-ability is used.

Cast Range: 1500
Cast Point: 0.25
Travel Distance: 1500
Effect Radius: 200
Initial Damage: 26/34/42/50/90/130 (Talent 32.5/42.5/52.5/62.5/112.5/162.5)
Stack Damage: 20/35/50/65/140/215 (Talent 25/43.75/62.5/81.25/175/268.75)
Stack Duration: 10


D: Shadow Poison Release

Ability: No Target

Releases the poison to do damage on all affected enemies. Units under the effect of Disruption can still be affected by Shadow Poison.

Cast Point: 0.3


R: Demonic Purge

Ability: Target Unit
Affects: Enemies
Damage Type: Magical
Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes
Dispellable: No
200 mana || 60 cooldown (Aghanim's Scepter: 60 cooldown/charge)

Purges the target enemy unit, removing positive buffs, and slowing the target for the duration. The unit slowly regains its movement speed until the end of the duration, upon which damage is dealt. Units under the effect of Disruption can still be affected by Demonic Purge.

Cast Range: 800
Cast Point: 0.3
Damage: 200/300/400/900/1400 (Talent 700/800/900/1400/1900)
Max Move Speed Slow: 100%
Min Move Speed Slow: 20%
Slow Duration: 7
Number of Charges: 0 (Aghanim's Scepter: 3)


2 Charges of Disruption


+500 Demonic Purge
-1.5s Shadow Poison


-6s Soul Catcher
+25% Shadow Poison


+30 Movement Speed
+75 Cast Range


Soul Catcher Creates
Illusion On Death


  • Currently none, for now.
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