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daRabbit edited this page Oct 23, 2018 · 2 revisions

Visage, the bound form of Necro'lic, is a ranged intelligence hero who tanks some damage then throw them back as a nuke, renowned with his familiars that helps him hunt and finish his enemies.

Difference to vanilla

  • XP or gold talent changes.


Q: Grave Chill

Ability: Target Unit
Affects: Enemies/Self
90 mana || 16/14/12/10/10/10 cooldown

Visage drains the movement and attack speed of the targeted unit, gaining it for itself.

Cast Range: 650
Cast Point: 0.2
Familiar Buff Radius: 900
Move Speed Change: 32%
Attack Speed Change: 64
Duration: 3/4/5/6/7.5/9.5


W: Soul Assumption

Ability: Target Unit
Affects: Enemies
Damage Type: Magical
170/160/150/140/130/120 mana || 4 cooldown

Visage gathers charges of soul essence each time nearby heroes take more than 110 damage. When the essence is released, it deals base damage as well as damage for each gathered soul charge.

Cast Range: 900
Cast Point: 0.2
Assumption Radius: 1375
Other Target Range Buffer: 300
Number of Targets: 1 (Talent 2)
Charge Gain Damage Threshold: 110
Maximum Charges: 3/4/5/6/11/16
Base Damage: 20
Damage per Charge: 65 (Talent 80)
Charge Duration: 6


E: Gravekeeper's Cloak

Ability: Passive/Aura Affects: Self

Visage generates a layered barrier that protects him from damage. If he receives damage from a player, one layer is removed, and takes time to recover.

Aura Radius: 900
Max Layers: 4/4/4/4/6/10
Damage Reduction per Layer: 8%/12%/16%/20%/14%/8%
Minimum Damage Threshold: 40
Layer Recharge Time: 6/5/4/3/3/3 (Talent 4/3/2/1/1/1)
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5


R: Summon Familiars

Ability: No Target
150 mana || 130 cooldown

Conjures two blind Familiars to fight for Visage. Familiars possess the Stone Form ability, that allows them to turn into stone, stunning enemies upon landing. While in Stone Form, Familiars are invulnerable, and rapidly regenerate their health. Familiars grant high bounty when killed.

Cast Point: 0
Number of Familiars: 2 (Talent +1) (Aghanim's Scepter: +1)
Familiar Duration: Permanent

  • Brief stats about Familiars Familiar Health: 400/550/700/1450/2200
    Familiar Armor: 0/1/2/7/12
    Familiar Damage: 30/45/60/140/230
    Familiar Speed: 430 (Talent 510)
    Familiar Bounty: 100


D: Stone Form

Ability: No Target
Affects: Enemies/Self
Damage Type: Magical
0 cooldown (on Visage)
14 cooldown (on Familiars)

After a short delay, the Familiar turns into stone and smashes into the ground, stunning and damaging all targets in the area. The Familiar becomes invulnerable, and will regain its health very rapidly. After 6 seconds, the Familiar will automatically leave Stone Form.

Cast Point: 0
Radius: 350
Delay: 0.55
Health Regen Bonus: 150/175/200/250/450
Damage: 60/100/140/340/540
Stun Duration: 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2
Stone Form Duration: 6

  • Visage uses this to command Familiars to turn into stone. To command particular Familiar to turn, select the Familiar then cast Stone Form


+1 Familiars Summoned


-2s Gravekeeper's Cloak
+80 Familiars
Movement Speed


+15 Soul Assumption
Damage Per Charge
Soul Assumption
Hits 2 Targets


+10 Strength
+30 Damage


+125 Cast Range


  • Currently none, for now.
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