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Percentage of people with higher education completed

jfverdugo edited this page Mar 31, 2023 · 1 revision

Percentage of people with higher education completed

Dimension: Response capacity

Area: Institutional capacity

Category: Education

What does this indicator measure?

Definition: UNESCO’s guide for measuring higher education considers all people that have finished an education program in a university, College, or other institutions that provide tertiary education programs (like research centers). Tertiary education is understood as the education process that aims to teach a high level of complexity and specialization knowledge (UNESCO, n.d.).


  • Unit of measure: People with higher education completed.
  • Formula:


Numerator: # of people with basic education completed in a territory.

Denominator: Total population that lives in the territory.

Indicator considerations:

Data sources:

  • National census
  • Official population projections.
  • Data from the national education office.

Comments and limitations: The data collected for this indicator will depend on the definition of higher education used by the national education office.


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