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Morten Aune Lyrstad edited this page Apr 16, 2022 · 43 revisions

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IMyCubeGrid Interface

public interface IMyCubeGrid: IMyEntity

Grid interface

Namespace: VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame
Assembly: VRage.Game.dll



Member Description
bool Closed { get; } True if the block has been removed from the world.

Inherited from IMyEntity
MyEntityComponentContainer Components { get; } Gets blocks component logic container

Inherited from IMyEntity
string CustomName { get; set; } Getter and setter for display name of the grid (as seen in Info terminal tab)
string DisplayName { get; } Gets user friendly name of entity. May be null For block terminal name use DisplayNameText

Inherited from IMyEntity
long EntityId { get; } Id of entity

Inherited from IMyEntity
float GridSize { get; } Getter of grid size in meters
MyCubeSize GridSizeEnum { get; } Getter for grid size enum
bool HasInventory { get; } Returns true if this entity has got at least one inventory. Note that one aggregate inventory can contain zero simple inventories => zero will be returned even if GetInventory() != null.

Inherited from IMyEntity
int InventoryCount { get; } Returns the count of the number of inventories this entity has.

Inherited from IMyEntity
bool IsStatic { get; } Determines if the grid is static (unmoveable)
Vector3I Max { get; } Maximum coordinates of blocks in grid
Vector3I Min { get; } Minimum coordinates of blocks in grid
string Name { get; } Some entities can have uniq name, and game can find them by name VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntities.TryGetEntityByName(System.String,VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity@)

Inherited from IMyEntity
BoundingBoxD WorldAABB { get; } Gets world axis-aligned bounding box

Inherited from IMyEntity
BoundingBoxD WorldAABBHr { get; } Gets world axis-aligned bounding box

Inherited from IMyEntity
MatrixD WorldMatrix { get; } Gets world matrix of this entity

Inherited from IMyEntity
BoundingSphereD WorldVolume { get; } Gets bounding sphere of this entity

Inherited from IMyEntity
BoundingSphereD WorldVolumeHr { get; } Gets bounding sphere of this entity

Inherited from IMyEntity


Member Description
bool CubeExists(Vector3I) Returns true if there is any block occupying given position
IMySlimBlock GetCubeBlock(Vector3I) Get cube block at given position
IMyInventory GetInventory() Simply get the MyInventoryBase component stored in this entity.

Inherited from IMyEntity
IMyInventory GetInventory(int) Search for inventory component with maching index.

Inherited from IMyEntity
Vector3D GetPosition() Gets position in world coordinates

Inherited from IMyEntity
Vector3D GridIntegerToWorld(Vector3I) Converts grid coordinates to world space
bool IsSameConstructAs(IMyCubeGrid) Determines whether this grid is VRage.Game.ModAPI.GridLinkTypeEnum.Mechanical connected to the other. This is any grid connected with rotors or pistons or other mechanical devices, but not things like connectors. This will in most cases constitute your complete construct.

Be aware that using merge blocks combines grids into one, so this function will not filter out grids connected that way. Also be aware that detaching the heads of pistons and rotors will cause this connection to change.
Vector3I WorldToGridInteger(Vector3D) Converts world coordinates to grid space cell coordinates
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