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Malware edited this page Dec 25, 2018 · 55 revisions


MyIni Class

public class MyIni: object

A configuration class to parse and create a text string resembling the old fashioned INI format, but with support for multiline values.

Do not forget that parsing is a time-consuming task. Keep your parsing to a minimum.

Namespace: VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.Utilities
Assembly: VRage.Game.dll

Inheritance: object


Using MyIni to deal with CustomData end-user configuration:

The CustomData:

|-- HAL9000 --  
|Good morning, Dave.  

The code:

MyIni _ini = new MyIni();  
IMyTextPanel _outputTextPanel;  
public Program()  
    MyIniParseResult result;  
    if (!_ini.TryParse(Me.CustomData, out result)  
        Echo($"CustomData error:\nLine {result}");  
    // Get the kernel section's output value. If this value is set, the system attempts  
    // to retrieve a text panel with the value set. Otherwise output is ignored.  
    var name = _ini.Get("kernel", "output").ToString();  
    if (name != null)  
        _outputTextPanel = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName<IMyTextPanel>(name);  
        if (_outputTextPanel == null)  
            Echo($"No text panel named {name}");  
    // Get the kernel section's boottext value. If no value is given, a default value will be returned.  
    var bootText = _ini.Get("kernel", "bootText").ToString("Kernel is starting up...");  
public void Main() {  
    // Do your stuff. Only parse the configuration when you have to.  

Using MyIni to deal with internal storage:

MyIni _storage = new MyIni();  
Vector3D _startupPosition;  
bool _hasTarget;  
Vector3D _currentTarget;  
public Program()  
    // You only need to parse here in the constructor.  
    if (_ini.TryParse(Storage)  
        var str = _ini.Get("state", "startupPosition").ToString();  
        Vector3D.TryParse(str, out _startupPosition);  
        str = _ini.Get("state", "currentTarget").ToString();  
        Vector3D.TryParse(str, out _currentTarget);  
        _hasTarget = _ini.Get("state", "hasTarget").ToBoolean();  
        // Set up defaults, the storage is nonexistent or corrupt  
        _startupPosition = Me.CubeGrid.Position;  
public void Save()  
    // You only need to update Storage when the Save method is called.  
    _ini.Set("state", "startupPosition", _startupPosition);  
    _ini.Set("state", "currentTarget", _currentTarget);  
    Storage = _ini.ToString();  
public void Main() {  
    // Do your stuff  


This class is NOT THREAD SAFE as it's optimized for programmable block use.


Member Description
EndContent You can terminate a configuration stream by entering "---" on a separate line. This property will contain all the content after this line.
EndComment Get or set a comment to be placed after the last section or item. Isnullif the section does not exist or has no comment.


Member Description
HasSection(string, string) Determines if the given configuration contains what looks like the given section. It does not verify that the content is actually in a valid format, just if there's a line starting with [section].
ContainsSection(string) Determines whether a section of a given name exists in the currently parsed configuration.
ContainsKey(string, string) Determines whether a configuration key (section/key) exists in the currently parsed configuration.
ContainsKey(MyIniKey) Determines whether a configuration key (section/key) exists in the currently parsed configuration.
GetKeys(string, List)
SetEndComment(string) Sets a comment to be placed after the last section or item. Set the comment tonullto remove it.
GetSectionComment(string) Get any comment that might be associated with the given section. Returnsnullif the section does not exist or has no comment.
SetSectionComment(string, string) Sets a comment on a given section. The section must already exist. Set the comment tonullto remove it.
GetComment(string, string) Gets any comment that might be associated with the given key. Returnsnullif the key does not exist or has no comment.
GetComment(MyIniKey) Gets any comment that might be associated with the given key. Returnsnullif the key does not exist or has no comment.
SetComment(string, string, string) Sets a comment on a given item. The item must already exist. Set the comment tonullto remove it.
SetComment(MyIniKey, string) Sets a comment on a given item. The item must already exist. Set the comment tonullto remove it.
Get(string, string) Gets the MyIniValue of the given configuration key.
Get(MyIniKey) Gets the MyIniValue of the given configuration key.
Delete(string, string) Deletes the given configuration key.
Delete(MyIniKey) Deletes the given configuration key.
Set(string, string, string) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(MyIniKey, string) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(string, string, bool) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(MyIniKey, bool) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(string, string, byte) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(MyIniKey, byte) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(string, string, sbyte) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(MyIniKey, sbyte) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(string, string, ushort) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(MyIniKey, ushort) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(string, string, short) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(MyIniKey, short) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(string, string, uint) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(MyIniKey, uint) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(string, string, int) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(MyIniKey, int) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(string, string, ulong) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(MyIniKey, ulong) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(string, string, long) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(MyIniKey, long) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(string, string, float) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(MyIniKey, float) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(string, string, double) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(MyIniKey, double) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(string, string, decimal) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Set(MyIniKey, decimal) Sets the value of the given configuration key.
Clear() Empties this configuration
TryParse(string) Attempts to parse the given content as a configuration file.
TryParse(string, ref MyIniParseResult) Attempts to parse the given content as a configuration file.
TryParse(string, string, ref MyIniParseResult) Attempts to parse the given content as a configuration file. OBSERVE: Use only for read-only operations. If you parse a single section and run ToString() , you will only get the parsed section, the rest will be discarded.
TryParse(string, string) Attempts to parse the given content as a configuration file. OBSERVE: Use only for read-only operations. If you parse a single section and run ToString() , you will only get the parsed section, the rest will be discarded.
Invalidate() Forces regeneration of the ini content. Only really useful if you want to reformat the configuration file.
ToString() Generates a configuration file from the currently parsed configuration
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