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BoundingBox Struct

public struct BoundingBox: IEquatable<BoundingBox>

Defines an axis-aligned box-shaped 3D volume.

Namespace: VRageMath
Assembly: VRage.Math.dll



Member Description
static ComparerType Comparer
static int CornerCount Specifies the total number of corners (8) in the BoundingBox.
static BoundingBox Invalid
Vector3 Max The maximum point the BoundingBox contains.
Vector3 Min The minimum point the BoundingBox contains.


Member Description
Vector3 Center { get; } Calculates center
BoxCornerEnumerator Corners { get; set; }
float Depth { get; }
Vector3 Extents { get; }
Vector3 HalfExtents { get; }
float Height { get; }
Matrix Matrix { get; } Matrix of AABB, respecting center and size
float Perimeter { get; } return perimeter of edges
Vector3 Size { get; } Size
float Width { get; }


Member Description
BoundingBox(Vector3, Vector3)


Member Description
static BoundingBox CreateFromHalfExtent(Vector3, float)
static BoundingBox CreateFromHalfExtent(Vector3, Vector3)
static BoundingBox CreateFromPoints(IEnumerable<Vector3>) Creates the smallest BoundingBox that will contain a group of points.
static BoundingBox CreateFromSphere(BoundingSphere) Creates the smallest BoundingBox that will contain the specified BoundingSphere.
static void CreateFromSphere(ref BoundingSphere, out BoundingBox) Creates the smallest BoundingBox that will contain the specified BoundingSphere.
static BoundingBox CreateInvalid()
static BoundingBox CreateMerged(BoundingBox, BoundingBox) Creates the smallest BoundingBox that contains the two specified BoundingBox instances.
static void CreateMerged(ref BoundingBox, ref BoundingBox, out BoundingBox) Creates the smallest BoundingBox that contains the two specified BoundingBox instances.
ContainmentType Contains(BoundingBox) Tests whether the BoundingBox contains another BoundingBox.
void Contains(ref BoundingBox, out ContainmentType) Tests whether the BoundingBox contains a BoundingBox.
ContainmentType Contains(BoundingFrustum) Tests whether the BoundingBox contains a BoundingFrustum.
ContainmentType Contains(Vector3) Tests whether the BoundingBox contains a point.
ContainmentType Contains(Vector3D)
void Contains(ref Vector3, out ContainmentType) Tests whether the BoundingBox contains a point.
ContainmentType Contains(BoundingSphere) Tests whether the BoundingBox contains a BoundingSphere.
void Contains(ref BoundingSphere, out ContainmentType) Tests whether the BoundingBox contains a BoundingSphere.
float Distance(Vector3)
float DistanceSquared(Vector3)
bool Equals(BoundingBox) Determines whether two instances of BoundingBox are equal.
bool Equals(object) Determines whether two instances of BoundingBox are equal.
bool Equals(BoundingBox, float)
Vector3&#91] GetCorners() Gets an array of points that make up the corners of the BoundingBox. ALLOCATION!
void GetCorners(Vector3&#91]) Gets the array of points that make up the corners of the BoundingBox.
void GetCornersUnsafe(*Vector3)
int GetHashCode() Gets the hash code for this instance.
BoundingBox GetIncluded(Vector3)
BoundingBox Include(ref Vector3) return expanded aabb (aabb include point)
BoundingBox Include(Vector3)
BoundingBox Include(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
BoundingBox Include(ref Vector3, ref Vector3, ref Vector3)
BoundingBox Include(ref BoundingBox) return expanded aabb (aabb include aabb)
BoundingBox Include(BoundingBox)
void Include(ref Line)
BoundingBox Include(BoundingSphere)
BoundingBox Include(ref BoundingSphere)
BoundingBox Include(ref BoundingFrustum)
void Inflate(float)
void Inflate(Vector3)
void InflateToMinimum(Vector3)
BoundingBox Intersect(BoundingBox) Returns bounding box which is intersection of this and box Result is invalid box when there's no intersection (Min > Max)
bool Intersects(BoundingBox) Checks whether the current BoundingBox intersects another BoundingBox.
bool Intersects(ref BoundingBox)
void Intersects(ref BoundingBox, out bool) Checks whether the current BoundingBox intersects another BoundingBox.
bool Intersects(BoundingFrustum) Checks whether the current BoundingBox intersects a BoundingFrustum.
PlaneIntersectionType Intersects(Plane) Checks whether the current BoundingBox intersects a Plane.
void Intersects(ref Plane, out PlaneIntersectionType) Checks whether the current BoundingBox intersects a Plane.
bool Intersects(Line, out float)
float? Intersects(Ray) Checks whether the current BoundingBox intersects a Ray.
void Intersects(ref Ray, out float?) Checks whether the current BoundingBox intersects a Ray.
bool Intersects(BoundingSphere) Checks whether the current BoundingBox intersects a BoundingSphere.
void Intersects(ref BoundingSphere, out bool) Checks whether the current BoundingBox intersects a BoundingSphere.
bool Intersects(ref BoundingSphere)
bool Intersects(ref BoundingSphereD)
bool IntersectsTriangle(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
bool IntersectsTriangle(ref Vector3, ref Vector3, ref Vector3)
float ProjectedArea(Vector3)
BoundingBox Round(int)
BoundingBoxI Round()
void Scale(Vector3)
float SurfaceArea()
string ToString() Returns a String that represents the current BoundingBox.
BoundingBox Transform(Matrix)
BoundingBoxD Transform(MatrixD)
BoundingBox Transform(ref Matrix)
void Transform(ref Matrix, ref BoundingBox)
BoundingBoxD Transform(ref MatrixD)
void Transform(ref MatrixD, ref BoundingBoxD)
BoundingBox Translate(Matrix) Translate
BoundingBox Translate(Vector3) Translate
float Volume()
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