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Malware edited this page Dec 25, 2018 · 54 revisions


BoundingSphereD Struct

public sealed struct BoundingSphereD

Namespace: VRageMath
Assembly: VRage.Math.dll




Member Description
Center The center point of the sphere.
Radius The radius of the sphere.


Member Description
Equals(BoundingSphereD) Determines whether the specified BoundingSphereD is equal to the current BoundingSphereD.
Equals(object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the BoundingSphereD.
GetHashCode() Gets the hash code for this instance.
ToString() Returns a String that represents the current BoundingSphereD.
CreateMerged(BoundingSphereD, BoundingSphereD) Creates a BoundingSphereD that contains the two specified BoundingSphereD instances.
CreateMerged(ref BoundingSphereD, ref BoundingSphereD, ref BoundingSphereD) Creates a BoundingSphereD that contains the two specified BoundingSphereD instances.
CreateFromBoundingBox(BoundingBoxD) Creates the smallest BoundingSphereD that can contain a specified BoundingBoxD.
CreateFromBoundingBox(ref BoundingBoxD, ref BoundingSphereD) Creates the smallest BoundingSphereD that can contain a specified BoundingBoxD.
CreateFromPoints(Vector3D[]) Creates a BoundingSphereD that can contain a specified list of points.
CreateFromFrustum(BoundingFrustumD) Creates the smallest BoundingSphereD that can contain a specified BoundingFrustum.
Intersects(BoundingBoxD) Checks whether the current BoundingSphereD intersects with a specified BoundingBoxD.
Intersects(ref BoundingBoxD, ref bool) Checks whether the current BoundingSphereD intersects a BoundingBoxD.
Intersects(BoundingFrustumD) Checks whether the current BoundingSphereD intersects with a specified BoundingFrustum.
Intersects(BoundingSphereD) Checks whether the current BoundingSphereD intersects with a specified BoundingSphereD.
Intersects(ref BoundingSphereD, ref bool) Checks whether the current BoundingSphereD intersects another BoundingSphereD.
Contains(BoundingBoxD) Checks whether the current BoundingSphereD contains the specified BoundingBoxD.
Contains(ref BoundingBoxD, ref ContainmentType) Checks whether the current BoundingSphereD contains the specified BoundingBoxD.
Contains(BoundingFrustumD) Checks whether the current BoundingSphereD contains the specified BoundingFrustum.
Contains(Vector3D) Checks whether the current BoundingSphereD contains the specified point.
Contains(ref Vector3D, ref ContainmentType) Checks whether the current BoundingSphereD contains the specified point.
Contains(BoundingSphereD) Checks whether the current BoundingSphereD contains the specified BoundingSphereD.
Contains(ref BoundingSphereD, ref ContainmentType) Checks whether the current BoundingSphereD contains the specified BoundingSphereD.
Transform(MatrixD) Translates and scales the BoundingSphereD using a given Matrix.
Transform(ref MatrixD, ref BoundingSphereD) Translates and scales the BoundingSphereD using a given Matrix.
IntersectRaySphere(RayD, ref double, ref double)
Include(ref BoundingSphereD, ref BoundingSphereD)
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