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AtLeast Parameter

Jeremie Rossignol edited this page Nov 15, 2015 · 1 revision

The AtLeast parameter is completed if a specified number of its child parameters are completed.

    name = AtLeast
    type = AtLeast

    // The minimum number that must be completed.
    // Type:      int
    // Required:  Yes
    count = 1

    // The text to display.  Highly recommended not to use the default text, as
    // when the parameter is complete the text of the children disappears (and
    // the default text doesn't give the player a very good idea what the
    // parameter was about).
    // Type:      string
    // Required:  No (defaulted)
    // Default:   Complete at least <count> of the following
    //title =

        name = ReachSpace
        type = ReachSpace

        name = ReachState
        type = ReachState

        minSpeed = 1000
        maxSpeed = 5000
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