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SpawnPassengers Behaviour

Jeremie Rossignol edited this page Feb 3, 2016 · 3 revisions

Behaviour for spawning passengers on board vessels.

    name = SpawnPassengers
    type = SpawnPassengers

    // Count of passengers to spawn.
    // Type:      int
    // Required:  No (defaulted)
    // Default:   1
    count = 10
    // Kerbal(s) to spawn (use instead of count to spawn passengers with
    // specific names.
    // Type:      Kerbal
    // Required:  No (multiples allowed)
    kerbal = Kerman Kerman

    // Type of the passenger(s).
    // Type:      ProtoCrewMember.KerbalType
    // Required:  No (defaulted)
    // Values:
    //     Applicant
    //     Crew
    //     Tourist (Default)
    //     Unowned
    kerbalType = Tourist

    // Whether the passengers should be removed when the contract completes.
    // Set this to false when changing passengers to Kerbals (via
    // ChangeKerbalType) or when setting up multi-contract scenarios.
    // Type:      bool
    // Required:  No (defaulted)
    // Default:   true
    removePassengers = true
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