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AvailablePart Type

Jeremie Rossignol edited this page Nov 4, 2016 · 11 revisions

The AvailablePart class represents the definition of a part.


Method Signature Description
PartCategories Category() Returns the category of part (corresponds to the listings in the VAB).
float Cost() The cost of the part in funds.
string Description() The textual description of the part.
string Manufacturer() The manufacturer of the part.
float Size() The size of the part.
Tech TechRequired() The technology that is required to unlock this part.
bool IsUnlocked() Whether the player has unlocked this part or not.
int UnlockCost() The cost to unlock a part when part entry purchase is required.
int CrewCapacity() The crew capacity of the given part.
float EngineVacuumThrust() The thrust in vacuum for this part. Returns 0.0 if the part isn't an engine.
float EngineAtmosphereThrust() The thrust in one atmosphere of pressure for this part. Returns 0.0 if the part isn't an engine.
float EngineVacuumISP() The ISP in vacuum for this part. Returns 0.0 if the part isn't an engine.
float EngineAtmosphereISP() The ISP in one atmosphere of pressure for this part. Returns 0.0 if the part isn't an engine.
List<Resource> Resources() Returns a list of all resources that this part can hold.
double ResourceCapacity(Resource) The part's capacity for holding the given type of resource.
double Mass() The part's dry mass.
double MassWet() The part's wet mass.

Global Functions

Function Signature Description
List<AvailablePart> AllParts() Returns a list of all parts.
AvailablePart AvailablePart(string identifier) Returns the AvailablePart for the given identifier.
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