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AD7606B Platform Build Linux & the Devicetree

Shivashankar-einfochips edited this page Aug 9, 2021 · 1 revision
  1. Source the environment

     $ source ~/gcc-linaro/gcc-linaro-5.5.0-2017.10-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabi/  
  2. Clone the git repo

     $ cd ~/ad7606b
     $ git clone 
  3. Change into the new repo

     $ cd linux  
  4. Check out the Altera 4.19 branch

     $ git checkout altera_4.19 
  5. Edit the defconfig to build either serial or parallel interface drivers

     $ vi linux/arch/arm/config/socfpga_tei0022_adi_defconfig
  • Uncomment CONFIG_AD7606_IFACE_SPI=y as shown below to build for AD7606B Serial Interface drivers

  • Uncomment CONFIG_AD7606_IFACE_PARALLEL=y as shown below to build for AD7606B Parallel Interface drivers
  1. Build the defconfig

     $ make socfpga_tei0022_adi_defconfig  
  2. Build the kernel

     $ make zImage  
  3. Build the device tree blob

     $ make socfpga_cyclone5_tei0022_02_axi_hdmi_ad7606b.dtb 

Next - Update the SD Card

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