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Main Character

suhasudupaa edited this page Aug 30, 2022 · 31 revisions

Design Inspiration - Main Character

Following is the design inspiration for the main character we will be working on. Please refer to the feature ticket and the task ticket for more info.


Centaurs is a creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body and legs of a horse. It was chosen due to the following reasons -

  • Popularity in Greek Mythology.
  • Suits the ancient design style of the game.

Sprite movement inspiration

The movement of the main character will draw inspiration from the following gifs. The movement however won't be as exaggerated and detailed as gif 1 for the Sprint 1.

Design Journey - Main Character

  • After the main character was decided upon being a controllable entity, and as mentioned the team decided that a centaur would be the most fitting for the game because of its reference to Greek mythology. Our very first iteration of the centaur was done through paper sketching as shown below.


  • Now as you can tell the sketch is drawn in the perspective to be a flat/side viewpoint. And initial rendition of this design was done on illustrator using a 32x32 artboard assuming its in proportion with the enemies and other entities and the first iteration looked as seen below for the right-left directions

  • After consulting with the rest of the design committee and the team responsible for map-tile dimensions, all the designers came to the realization that our artboard size (32x32) might be too small so after further discussion and in line with an updated version of the game design guideline doc, we had to scale the artboard to 75x75, this allowed us more room for detail.

  • The perspectives for the movable entities like the main character and the enemies were also decided to be flat ¾ view (front facing with a 3D view), and using colors and shading to achieve this. The revised main character entities for all 4 directions according to the updated design guidelines are shown below. Centaur Right Centaur back left Centaur back right Centaur left

  • Color palette used (slight darker and lighter hues of mentioned color may be used):

Body (below the waist): #BE7D4C, #472920, #5E352B, #BE7D4C, #673E22

Body (above the waist): #E6A96F, #7E4E2A, #A5734A, #EDBC8E, #CD8A5F

Leg (below knees): #BE977C, #E0B79B

Head and hair: #271311, #432E21, , #B68152, #DDC9BC

  • There was also a necessity to add a darker outline to the created centaur design as upon testing it didn’t seem to stand out well on the map’s background and was inconsistent with the other entities in the game. So, the final revision of the centaur design looked like so

![Centaur Right border]( | width=100)

Weapon Design

Design Inspirations


Weapon Exploration & Initial Sketches

Weapon Sketches

Initial Pixel Designs

Initial Pixel Art Secondary Pixel Art

Multi-directional Weapon

Weapon Design Guidelines

  • Canvas Size 75 x 75 pixels
  • Darker outline
  • Colour Palette:
    • Outline - R=51 G=51 B=51 followed by R=77 G=77 B=77
    • Inner Blade - R=128 G=128 B=128
    • Handle Outline - R=66 G=33 B=11
    • Handle - R=166 G=124 B=82 & R=166 G=124 B=82
    • Handle Grip - R=96 G=56 B=19

Weapon Design

Main character & weapon integration #1

Untitled-4  Recovered

User Testing

Main Character Design

Weapon Design


Table of Contents


How to Play


Game Features

Main Character

The Final Boss

Landscape Objects





User Interfaces Across All Pages
Juicy UI
User Interfaces Buildings
[Resource Management](Resource-Management)
Day and Night Cycle
Unified Grid System (UGS)

Game Engine

Getting Started

Entities and Components

Service Locator

Loading Resources


Unit Testing

Debug Terminal

Input Handling






Game Screens and Areas


Concurrency & Threading



MacOS Setup Guide

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